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The pros and cons of joining YouEconomy at different ages

Your age could impact your success in YouEconomy.
Before I assume I'm saying you're too young or too old to go it on your own, let's put things first:everyone, no matter either their age, can join YouEconomy and be successful with the right work ethic, attitude and resources.
Related: Why You Should Join YouEconomy
But your life stage will have a big impact on how successful you are and what your journey looks like. Here's how your age group might compare to others and what you can expect when building your career.
Teens and 20s:
As a tech native, you see and feel your way through social situations, problems, and tasks in a way older generations never can. The entrenchment of GPS technology in the 2000s and the proliferation of the Internet in most American homes gave rise to what we now call the YouEconomy, a cultural wave that you have always taken for granted. You are tech savvy, less attached to old ways and have given innovation a cultural boost. On the other hand, you may lack funding to support new YouEconomy efforts, and your age means you lack experience comparable to older generations when it comes to leadership and work-life balance. If you are in your 20s and 20s and ready to join YouEconomy, seek out an older mentor who can help you overcome these challenges as you pursue your significant strengths.
Your 30s are a decade of self-awareness. You believe in yourself and your worth much more than in your twenties, so your potential is even greater. At the same time, life may have become more complicated with increased financial and family obligations – all the more reason to take advantage of the flexibility of YouEconomy. A part-time entry might be ideal for you at this point. And since 72% of American adults have used at least one shared or on-demand service (one in five using four or more!), you have a big market of potential customers. You've also learned some advanced skills at this stage, so freelance work in creative or consultancy fields is more open to you. If you decide to take the plunge or are ready to expand your YouEconomy footprint, look for opportunities to build a regular customer base and establish consistent income with those repeat buyers.

1940s and 1950s:
The conventional view is that young people are more apt to take risks when it comes to starting a business, but a recent survey by Kellogg Insight of 2.7 million business founders shows that the opposite is true. A 50-year-old startup founder is 1.8 times more likely to build a company that ends up in the top 0.1 percentile of their industry than a 30-year-old founder. This is even more important compared to founders in their twenties. A 40-year-old founder is 2.1 times more likely to found a successful business than someone just 25. Even when it comes to tech companies – those mythical fountains of youth and balancing chairs – the average age of founders was actually 45. At this point in your life, you have everything you need to succeed, save perhaps time. Delegation and streamlining will therefore be your challenges. Look for ways to outsource even a few hours a week as you go.
60s and 70s:
The number of people in the YouEconomy who have long careers behind them is increasing. Your skills as an accomplished and mature asset are in demand in large organizations and corporations. In fact, a May 2018 report from Civic shows that there are 1.5 million experts helping businesses with their knowledge and expertise. Because your market has deeper pockets, your earning potential is greater. Experts who consult for companies earn up to $1,000 per hour. Your challenges might be seeing the impact of technology on your market, so make sure you get the latest trends from someone knowledgeable. Then put away your resume and hang a shingle – you could be at the start of a successful second (or third) career.
If you're ready to join YouEconomy or play your freelance game, don't forget that under the right circumstances, your age is not a hindrance but an advantage.