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The Importance of Listening in Leadership

A key part of the art of listening is not thinking about what you are going to say while the other is talking. Stilling your thoughts and really hearing the other person with an open mind sometimes takes conscious effort.
In How to Be Like the Wooden Coach by Pat Williams, Coach described the importance of effective listening:
“In my opinion, to be an effective leader, you have to be an effective listener. Success is most often achieved by asking "how?" Than by saying “no.”
“Listen to those under your supervision. Really listen. Don't act like you're listening and just let it go from ear to ear. Pretending is worse than not pretending at all.
In his book Bois on Leadership with Steve Jamison, Coach commented on consistent listening leading to constant improvement:
“It's very easy to feel comfortable in a leadership position, to believe that you have all the answers, especially when you start experiencing success.
“One of the reasons it's so hard to stay on top is that once you get there, it's so easy to stop listening and learning.
“Progress is hard when you're not listening. »
The coach's advice is simple and straightforward:If you want to be heard, listen. Always seek to find the best way rather than insisting on your own way.

Related: The Art of Leadership

However, being a good listener is only half the equation.
In his book Bois on Leadership with Steve Jamison, Coach Wooden expressed his views on the subject:
"As a leader, you need to be confident enough to employ people who aren't afraid to speak up and express their opinion. If you're willing to listen, it means little if no one wants to talk substantially. ”
In his book AGame Plan for Life:The Power of Mentorship along with Don Yeager, Coach cited the method Abraham Lincoln used to build his political team as an example of this approach:
"In Doris Kearns Goodwin's exceptional text Team of Rivals , Goodwin takes an in-depth look at a well-researched but little-discussed policy decision:When Lincoln was elected president, he appointed a number of former political opponents to serve as his advisers and to fill various positions.
“ By selecting men he knew who disagreed with him or differed from his own platform, he ensured that he would face legitimate challenges to his ideas, rather than end up in a pool of yes-men. This meant that his policy would emerge more clearly reasoned and justified. ”
The coach went on to describe how he worked with his assistant coaches:
“There were times when we differed on strategy or philosophy of the game. Those disagreements never heated up, but at times they have been very intense.
“Just as I imagine Lincoln would have been, I was thrilled when these challenges arose because it meant my fellow coaches were as passionate about our team as I was. Nothing ruins a team faster than apathy.
"Based on Lincoln's example, I encouraged my assistant coaches to express ideas that might differ or even totally contradict mine.
"One of the main reasons this philosophy works, I think, is that it's at the heart of genuine concern and respect for other parties.
"Lincoln really cared about the opinions of his comrades , and he really cared about the results of their discussions. But moreover, he treated them with respect so that they would continue to offer these opinions. ”
The coach did not see challenges to his ideas as a lack of respect, but rather as an important requirement of his leadership strategy.

Related: The qualities of a humble leader