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How 16 successful entrepreneurs start their days

Imagine this. You wake up, look at your clock and think it can't be morning already, then sleep another 15 minutes. Next thing you know, those 15 minutes turned into 30. You missed your breakfast and resorted to a drive-thru for a quick meal loaded with fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Now you're late for the office and before you even open your email, you're already stressed.
Related: How successful people can beat stress
Was that little bit of sleep really worth it? Probably not.
The truth is that most of us have lazy habits that ultimately shape who we are and what we accomplish in life. From sleeping late to missing breakfast to working out, an estimated 31 million Americans — nearly 10% of the population — are guilty of it all. But successful business leaders know how to start the day right, and that's the key to their success.
Related: 7 Ways to Build Daily Discipline
Check out the infographic below and adopt one of the 16 Habits of Successful Business Leaders to propel you to healthy living and achieve the levels of success you never have before what a dream.