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John C. Maxwell:How to Have Confidence in a Crisis

“He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame. »

I laughed when I came across this quote because, like everything that makes us happy, this saying has an element of truth. Sometimes the only person who thinks positively about a crisis does so because they figured out why it wasn't their fault.
But there are plenty of reasons to think positively in times of crisis. On the one hand, in every problem we can find the seeds of opportunity. They may seem small, especially compared to the enormity of the crisis. But the opportunity exists nonetheless.
Furthermore, I believe that great leaders can handle any crisis with confidence and grace. We may not feel like smiling, but we move forward knowing that a solution is available and achievable. The key to handling crises with confidence is being well prepared in order to make informed decisions.
If you are a leader, you know that a crisis is never far away. Use the following tips to face an upcoming crisis with maximum confidence.
Related: 4 keys to building your confidence
1. Prepare for all possibilities.
Legendary University of California, Los Angeles basketball coach John Wooden said his favorite part of coaching was practice. When the practice is perfect, the late coach said, the game becomes automatic. Conversely, when it's time to play and you slack off in practice, it's too late to prepare. If you wait to prepare until you are faced with a crisis, you are too late.

If you wait to prepare until you are faced with a crisis, you are too late.

Prepare yourself by listing a variety of possible scenarios and determining your response to each. Also spend time learning from experts in your industry. Ask them questions about their past crises. Chances are they've encountered the same challenges you're likely to encounter and can offer sound advice and strategies.
No one can prepare for every eventuality, but you can. prepare for known possibilities. Think ahead, be prepared, and practice your plan whenever possible. Then, when the crisis comes, your response will be automatic. The more familiar the scenario, the more confident your reaction will be.
2. Define reality.
Iconic management expert Peter Drucker once wrote, “A turbulent moment is a dangerous moment, but its greatest danger is the temptation to deny reality.” Instead of denying reality during a crisis, an effective leader defines it. It means looking at the situation realistically.
When a crisis occurs, spend time alone describing the problem. What is that? What caused it? How can you fix it? Ask your team for their assessment. Break it down into measurable parts by separating the solvable from the insoluble. Its very important. You need to recognize what you control to address it and focus on that. Finally, make a game plan to solve the solvable problem and commit. A defined and measurable plan allows you to proceed with confidence.
3. Communicate often.
It comes down to defining reality. You must do this for those you lead as much as for yourself. When faced with a crisis, it's tempting to put your head down and just focus on the problem. But this behavior will not inspire confidence in others. Be open and describe the problem to your team. Bringing things out in the open will clear the air and let them know you're with them. Communicate the game plan to solve it. As you continue to deal with the crisis, repeat this communication process.
My friend Andy Stanley, a great pastor in Georgia, says, “The vision is leaking.” In other words, leaders cannot be expected to share a vision – or a solution to a problem – just once. Team members need to hear it often to truly embrace and trust it. Your consistent communication will build the team's confidence in your leadership and their own ability to weather the crisis.
4. Learn to grow.
California pastor Rick Warren says, “The moment you stop learning, you stop leading. You've probably heard the saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Stop the vicious circle. Instead, try to figure out why your method didn't work so you can do something different next time. Intentionally reflect on experience because experience alone is not the best teacher, rated experience is. Dig deep into the tough times for everything they can teach you.
The difference between average people and high performers is their perception and response to failure. The same could be said of crises. After the crisis has passed, reflect on your leadership during this time. What have you learned and where can you improve in leadership, communication, problem solving and team building? Debrief your team to find out where they think you can improve and what they've learned from the experience.
Crises are stressful and stretch us in ways we don't like . But the reality is that tough times and tough decisions come with the territory in power. But if you prepare in advance and solve problems effectively during, you will have the tools to navigate through any crisis with confidence.
Related: 22 things to read this month to boost your confidence

This article originally appeared in the March 2017 issue of SUCCESS magazine.