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What does it mean to be a cool boss?

I constantly read and interact with business leaders who have installed arcade games in their offices, have happy hours every Friday, and have gone out of their way to encourage team members to do their better through continuous training. Feedback from customers and employees is always the same:"Wow, what a cool boss!"
So I set out to identify what it means to be cool. How can leaders become cool? What is a cool boss and how can these special skills apply on the job?
Related: 10 Quick Tips for Being a Better Boss
When I first encountered the concept of “cool” it was in the late 1970s when I was watching prime time television. There was one character in particular who epitomized the cool.
In case you missed it, the show was Happy Days and the coolest guy on TV was Arthur "The Fonz" Fonzarelli or "Fonzie", played by the great Henry Winkler. From the perspective of a 6-year-old boy, he had it all. Fonzie showed respect, was seemingly invincible, and got immediate results when he snapped his fingers (it also helped riding a motorcycle). The thumbs-up emoji was derived from the Fonz's signature greeting.
For research (of course), I looked at Happy Days and i noticed different things about my cool touchstone that i didn't really grasp when i was a kid :

It wasn't just that Fonzie was strong or tough, but that he always used that strength to stand up for people who needed help. If a rival gang threatened his friend Ralph or Potsie, The Fonz would show up just in time to step in and crush the drama. If Joanie was upset, he wouldn't let her go unnoticed without a hug and a few words of encouragement. The Fonz cared deeply about his friends and family, and they knew it.
It wasn't just that he was a results-oriented leader; he also advised Richie to be the same. Sure, he could have lived behind the Cunningham house and stayed out of Richie's life, but for some reason he derived real satisfaction from watching him grow up and become more confident.
And that wasn't It wasn't just that he was the coolest guy in Milwaukee, but he also shared love and emotion with all the seniors on the show:Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, Al at the restaurant and more than anyone, his mom. Could such a powerful character also be vulnerable and humble?

So here is the challenge:what can you do as a leader to emulate Arthur Fonzarelli and improve your level of cool leadership?
Related: 10 habits of ultra-likeable leaders
1. Stop talking and do something.
It's as simple as looking for ways to engage your team. Ask questions to find out who needs help or feedback, then do something with this information. Write a note. Plan a lunch. Worry about it. Your team wants to follow a leader who is worth following.
2. Select a person to mentor.
A popular image shows a CFO asking a CEO, “What happens if we invest in developing our employees and they leave us?” The CEO responds, "What if we don't and they stay? There is a lesson here. Trust that your investment will drive loyalty and know that it will ignite your recruiting. Once you learn that you are changing the lives of your team members, your bench will quickly fill up.
3. Open up.
As a coach, I intentionally look for ways for leaders to demonstrate their own vulnerability and let their employees see behind the curtain. Invariably, this lets the team know that behind that CEO or owner title, there is a real person who is under the same pressures and stresses they feel, only magnified 10 times. This is a huge bonding opportunity.
4. Get a motorbike.
OK fine. This one was selfishly for my wife's consideration. Forgive me.
If you choose to implement any (or all) of these ideas into your daily routine, you will boost morale, increase productivity, and realize higher profits. The Fonz would be proud. And what could be cooler than that?
"Aaaaayyyyyyyyy" (Well done!)
Related: Are you a good boss?