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How Security Audit Software Keeps Your Business Prepared 24/7

For organizations, security and compliance are two factors that often demand unparalleled attention. Having an effective security plan is a smart move businesses can make while pursuing their aspirations. Therefore, the goal of most outfits is to reduce recurring errors and overall risks; stick to high levels of workplace safety inspections and increase productivity at the same time. As such, implementing security audit software to operations can keep your business prepared year-round against vagaries and the unexpected.
What are the benefits of digitizing security audits on the sites? Is the audit software effective enough to keep businesses safe and prepared? What will your business performance margins look like with the introduction of audit software into operations? This talk will attempt to cover these salient issues and transcend the scope a bit to understand the place of the game changer that is the digitization of security auditing.

SummaryReducing Risk CostsSecurity AuditingHow Industries Are Adopting Technology in Security AuditingAberdeen Report and StandardSecurity Auditing SoftwareHow It Prepares Your BusinessSome Factors to Consider Before Choosing Your Audit SoftwareUX and UIUnderstanding the Plans

Reducing the costs of risks

Companies spend fortunes on security and compliance in their spending. For those who think otherwise, reports say their ROI usually takes a huge drop. The US Department of Labor says companies spend $170 billion a year on costs associated with workplace injuries and illnesses. The report also indicates that workplaces that have designed a safety and health management system are likely to reduce their risk costs by 20-40%. Part of the way they reduce their cost of risk is by using digital security audits as a way to optimize their effective security program. To fully understand this, one must understand what a security audit is.

Security Audit

A safety audit is an organized procedure that requires the collection of information on the safety management system and the overall health system of a company, in relation to their effectiveness and reliability. The primary reasons for conducting a security audit are compliance and recognition of weaknesses in security models. Security audits are also carried out to check whether a company also complies with security standards. While a company can entrust this task to its own auditors, external auditors from a regulatory agency can also do so. By recognizing design limitations and weaknesses, security audits can strengthen their security plan's measures.

Compared to technical inspections, safety audits are a more in-depth process. The software-like digitized security audit method, on the other hand, is cost-effective, faster and more efficient, as we will soon see.

How industries-are-embracing-technology-in-security-auditing

How Security Audit Software Keeps Your Business Prepared 24/7

With the unprecedented scale of disruptions occurring in various industries, advancements in technology have increased performance levels and results. Technology trends have also found a foothold in security auditing with the aim of maximizing exploit opportunities. From analytics to artificial intelligence, the risk of error is reduced when using technology in auditing. Analytical auditing is also key to improving auditing qualities, especially in separating data and focusing testing on complex arrays of information.
This slightly suggests that a workforce skilled in big data and analytics would soon be in high demand. At operating sites, data collection should not be monotonous and error-prone. With security auditing software and data collection, the risks will be low, the audit will be manageable and will work effectively with technology.

It is therefore important to have an integrated audit system to have the perfect perspective knowing that you are protecting your employees. Kelli Simpson explains ten ways an integrated security audit will help you achieve this goal. Simpson believes that paper checklists and an ad hoc security audit template have ceased to be functional options for growing organizations and businesses. This is true because an integrated digital security audit tool such as software is quickly becoming the threshold for security managers to make faster yet smarter decisions. Therefore, security managers will help their companies qualify to have the Aberdeen Report's "best in class" tag.

Aberdeen Report and Standard

The report is written by the Aberdeen Group and it proves that organizations with lower injury rates have better productivity. The group rightly calls these organizations “best manufacturers” because they depend on improved safety technologies and well-calculated processes to help facilitate high levels of workplace safety. The report also covers the major challenge faced by enterprises to simplify the process of auditing and inspection to improve security models. To keep your business prepared 24/7, it's important to take inspiration from the Aberdeen report which explains that Top performing companies are more than twice as likely as their peers to use mobile devices during audits and inspections. Auditing software on your device allows you to monitor procedures and helps you maintain your more efficient security management schedules.

Security audit software

How Security Audit Software Keeps Your Business Prepared 24/7

It helps organizations design health and safety audit procedures. With the software, you have the luxury of seamlessly conducting field safety audits and inspections. Whether on mobile phone or tablet, you have access to audit and inspection tools without breaking the bank. And speaking of convenience, the audit software makes it easy to sync data, so you can share audits the way you want, wherever you are. With good auditing software, the risks of risks and hazards are low, which ensures that your company is always prepared for hazards.


It keeps the workplace safer while meeting measurements and standards at the same time. That said, preparation can take different forms for your business. For example, there is bound to be a spike in operational efficiency in the workplace due to the integration of audit software into the workflow. Before the use of workplace software, auditing was monotonous and possibly more expensive. This is changing as security software helps hundreds of businesses achieve smooth operational efficiency.

Additionally, by standardizing security practices of the auditor, location, and task, operations become manageable and flexible using audit software. You will be able to uncover dangers and predict the extent of losses even before they occur. Your business tends to lose less to unpleasant contingencies due to data analysis, as money and time are saved on all security designs. That's why the Aberdeen Report ranks the best companies in their category.

Some factors to consider before choosing your audit software

UX and UI

Intuitiveness, a pleasant user interface and a satisfactory user experience are the characteristics of good software. But while you are looking for software with an outstanding design, make sure the user experience is top-notch. Functionality and ease should outweigh any other factor, even with poor design.

Understanding the plans

Different software from tech companies come with varying features and security audit subscriptions. Discover the security plan that meets your business operating needs. And how much might it cost you and how long do you plan to use the service? Are the tech company's initiatives inclusive enough for your people and equipment? Will the software require a steep learning curve? Is the support great? Here are some of the questions you and your team might throw around before making a decision.