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What are the characteristics of a well-designed website?

Nearly 40% of people will stop interacting with a poorly designed website. Another 38.5% will judge a business by the way their website looks. Without an eye-catching, well-designed website, you might struggle to boost your business.

Contents1. Mobile responsiveness2. Brand consistency3. Speed4. Search Engine Optimization5. Lead GenerationWell-Designed:5 Essential Features of a Well-Designed Website

Here are five essential features to keep in mind when designing a website.

Prioritizing these design factors can help you create one of the best websites in your niche. You can attract potential customers and generate more leads. You might also have an easier time marketing your business online.

Prepare your business for success. Discover the website design tips you need to impress your clients with this guide today.

1. Mobile responsiveness

More and more people are using their smartphones to search for products, services or nearby stores. When designing a website, make sure to run it through Google's mobile optimization test. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly and responsive.

A responsive website will adapt according to the user's device.

Having a responsive website can improve user experience. Consumers will find it easier to explore your content. Otherwise, they might get frustrated with your website design.

2. Brand Consistency

When creating a website, it is also important to maintain brand consistency.

Keep your brand visuals consistent on every page. This includes your color palette and font styles. Make sure the logo also appears in the top corner.

Otherwise, inconsistent branding could confuse visitors.

3. Speed

Also run your website through Google's PageSpeed ​​Insights. A well-designed website will work fast on any device.

Some plugins and themes can cause your site to lag. If your website is slow, people might leave.

Your bounce rate could increase. Meanwhile, consumers might have a negative experience using your site. As a result, they might decide not to return in the future.

You can explore this web design reseller to expand your current online offerings.

4. Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) can help people find your website content online. You can optimize your content for specific keywords. When someone uses that keyword in a Google search, your website content appears.

Considering SEO when building a website can help drive more traffic to your website. You'll also have an easier time generating leads and sales online.

5. Lead Generation

Make sure visitors have different ways to reach you online.

For example, you can add an eye-catching call-to-action button to the top corner of the navigation bar. Also, consider adding an easy-to-use form above the fold. Otherwise, add a chatbot to your website.

Chatbots can answer frequently asked questions, which could improve the user experience.

You can also use lead magnets, such as e-books, to generate leads. Otherwise, encourage people to subscribe to your emails.

Adding multiple lead generation opportunities to your site can help you attract more leads. Then you can turn those leads into paying customers.

Well-designed:5 essential characteristics for a well-designed website

A well-designed website can help drive traffic, leads, and sales to your website. Start building a website with these five factors in mind. With these web design tips, you can set your business up for success.

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