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Energetic, enthusiastic children and a mom with lack of energy

At our house there is a sign that reads:“Tired parents and happy kids live here.” I chose the sign myself, because this is exactly how it is for me. Of course my daughters have their childish negative moods, but most of all they are very cheerful. As long as they are, I'm happy. We as parents are doing well, because we let our children be children:full of joy, enthusiasm and energy. And yes I am the tired mother. Tired of all the care, raising and clearing the mess. I have a lack of energy due to a chronic lack of sleep, which I suffered from having children at home.

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Lack of energy due to own children

I've always loved young children, but I'll be honest, since I've had them at home, sometimes it's a bit too much for me. As an adult I long for peace and order in the house. I am tested again and again, have to restrain myself not to limit my children, because it becomes too much for me. I have taught myself to let the crowds and chaos in the house be what it is. As far as possible 😉 . In this state of play, my children are busy discovering the world, developing into who they are.

Children playing enthusiastically

Watching my children's play intently helps me feel better. Then I discover connections with what is on their mind at that moment and I see them learn. My daughter, who has just started school, is constantly playing school. My youngest daughter loves nothing more than playing mother to her two big sisters and her dolls. She is not self-centered at that moment and is learning to be social and caring. While playing a game, my oldest daughter learns to perform and how to deal with loss better. There are countless educational game situations to name. It makes me happy when I see my children so busy.

Play along ? Rather not!

Children naturally like it best when you, as a mother, participate in their game. Again, I will be honest and confess that I do that too little, because I often don't feel the energy for it. Yes, I'm really tired, especially since our third came and I started sleeping less well. From that moment on, my lack of energy is obvious.

More rest please!

I very often crave more peace around me instead of meddling in the busy play of my children. I do feel bad about that. I try to boost my energy through exercise and healthy food, but it doesn't help 🙁 .

Of course I sometimes get over the fatigue and just participate. Still, I prefer (quietly) reading a book, watching a movie together on the couch, cuddling, playing a game at the table and having a (calm!) conversation. Do you recognize that? Fortunately, my partner is there for the wild movement games and that my daughters are so happy and enthusiastic. And hopefully I will have more energy when my children get older.

tip:You can find other recognizable articles about tiredness and motherhood here:

  • What not to say to a mother who is chronically tired
  • Frustrated, tired and self-critical. Now what?
  • Motherhood hard? Here's a light-hearted top 10
  • Book tip: Relax mom!

* Featured Photo via Shutterstock