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Full-time working mothers take good care of their children!

Ultimately, it appears that no link can be made between full-time working mothers and childhood obesity. That is the conclusion of a study by scientists at the Copenhagen Business School with sixteen thousand children between the ages of two and nine. This study was conducted on children in Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Sweden. The researchers say the study shows that full-time working mothers should not feel guilty about the impact of their professional activities on the health of their children. It is added that working mothers, on the other hand, do invest a lot in quality time with their children.

Get rid of guilt full-time working mothers

Well, huh, that's a relief, such an investigation. Or at least, the results of the investigation. Or not? If only it were that easy, ladies. Despite research confirming that full-time working moms aren't all that bad, there's still that little demon on your shoulder. Or that 'other' mother in the schoolyard who still makes a sneer. Or just your conscience. What gnawing does it do. It's really a choice between 'two evils'. If you go to work for your family and less, you will miss your self-development or the challenge that you need so much. If you're up for that challenge, there's that little voice somewhere that just keeps beeping.

On the survey of full-time working mothers

Study leader Wencke Gwozdz, professor of consumer behavior and sustainability at Copenhagen Business School, notes that working full-time has no impact on childhood obesity. “Working mothers should therefore not feel guilty about their relationship with their children. In the United States, full-time mothers are often blamed for the childhood obesity epidemic. It is also noted that working mothers do not have enough time to prepare healthy meals for their children or to ensure that they have sufficient physical activity. However, the European study shows that those connections are made incorrectly.”

Obesity? My ash!

Very cool of course! Why wouldn't mothers who work full-time serve their children healthy food these days? There are all kinds of ways to make it easier on yourself as a busy working mother in the evenings. For example, consider the slow cooker. An ideal device to have healthy food ready when you come home from work. Requires only a little preparation, and provides a lot of convenience!

Read also: Cooking slow cooker recipes provides tremendous convenience

Full-time working mothers can often afford material and personal domestic help and often also have their own car. This leaves more time to spend with the children. In addition, full-time working mothers are often also higher educated and have a better knowledge of healthy nutrition. Wencke notes that the situation in the United States and Great Britain is somewhat different than in continental Europe, where more support for childcare is provided. Moreover, American children also have a different food culture.

What do you think?

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