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A third child? I wouldn't have missed her for anything!

Are you currently in doubt about whether you would like to go for a third child or not? As far as you have the choice, I warn you in advance. Don't get carried away by my enthusiasm! We women are sometimes very sensitive to what others think and are therefore easily influenced. If you are completely fed up after reading this blog and you absolutely want a third child, then it is better to talk to your male partner first 😉 . Men are usually more inclined to think for themselves first (are a bit more rational), less carried away by others. That is quite sensible when it comes to such a large choice!

A third child is not always a choice

A third child is of course not always a choice. It is also something that you are very lucky with if you are awarded, let me put that first! But, if you have already been able to have two children, then for most people the choice for a third is more difficult than the choice was for the second. That's because it's so wonderful that you have two children. Especially if these are also healthy children. Then you want nothing more than that this great happiness may remain that way. Why put this luck to the test and go for a third? Maybe something is wrong now? And maybe you don't have enough time, money and energy left to give everyone enough? There are certainly many more questions that run through your head…

Read also: a child of 2 and the toddler puberty

She was a present to us

We didn't have to deal with all these questions because our third daughter was a present. She has been given to us. I still don't get how exactly, but that doesn't matter at all. We are happy from the very first moment that she joined us, our third princess! It is a typical third child:a cheerful joker, free and spontaneous. Everyone loves her, our spoiled little cutie. She will always be that last one. She has not one, but three mothers who care for, comfort and pamper her. The only thing she sometimes has a hard time with is that she is being pulled so much! There is, of course, no standard third child. I'm just telling you what our third child is like and how I often see it around me. I also recognize this in how I used to be (as a third child).

Read also: raising children and setting boundaries, yelling and punishing is part of it!

Sure it is busier

And for our family? Well, it really does create a bit more pressure (and especially struggle) in the house. It is therefore harder to work with three. We notice this most when we are in the house with one or two children. We find a really big difference. But for us this does not outweigh the enormous fun that our third child brings with it.

The comment 'The more souls the merrier', I think fits very well with this. This statement applies especially if children can play well together, like ours. They can have so much fun and fun together. And of course also with us. With a third child, you also have an extra person to love dearly and who also loves you very much (if all goes well!). But, this story will be different for everyone. We are simply very lucky to have three healthy daughters and five people who have a good time together.

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