Family Best Time >> Work

What are you doing, I yelled to another mother! Interview in Parents of Now.

Four years ago I was asked to participate in an interview for the Parents of Now. An interview about working full-time and how you combine that with your family as a mother. Well, telling my own story as a full-time working mom wouldn't be that hard, I thought at the time. And I didn't find it that difficult to tell it, but reading it back is another thing 😉 .

Table of contents

Labor participation of mothers is high, number of hours low

Dutch women are known to continue to work relatively often after becoming mothers. The labor participation in the number of persons is very high in the Netherlands, the number of hours of labor participation is, on the other hand, very low, compared to other EU countries. In the Netherlands, 10-15% of mothers work full-time, while in other EU countries that percentage is on average 62%.

Why? Because in our society it is the case that the woman cares more and the man works more. And nobody seems to have a problem with that. It is widely accepted. I think this is also the reason that a full-time working mother is not 'valued'. It's not supposed to. And it's not good for the family and the kids.

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Full-time working mother from the start

I've always been 'that full-time working mom'. I've never gone back in hours and I can't recall working less than 40 hours a week. Yes, during my vacations, that would work!

That was probably one of the reasons that Ouders van Nu came to me to put me to the test 😉 . An interview with a full-time working mom, the rare kind. When I read it back now I just think… not much has changed 😉 . Except that the children are older, are more independent and our lifestyle is fully integrated into our family.

What do my children think?

What my kids think about me being a full-time working mom? Just yesterday I sighed to Luc when I gave him a kiss while covering up “Pfoe, I'm always working too, aren't I?” He replied “Yeah, but you're almost always home too!”. Such was he in his opinion. He apparently feels good about this. I will check with Lotte again soon 😛 .

Read also: full-time working mothers take good care of their children

For the enthusiasts here is the interview of the Parents of Nu:

Still full-time working mother

I'm so glad I've been able to give these kinds of interviews in the past. It now makes me think again. When I look back on this story of me as a full-time working mother, I can now -after 4 years- conclude that a lot has changed and yet a lot has remained the same. Haha.

Balance has been improved

Nothing has changed about working full-time, but fortunately the balance between work and private life has. I can give myself that much-needed free time a little better. At the weekend people often still work a few hours here, but the afternoon and evening is for the family. The weekday evenings are also better balanced. No more working from eight to half past twelve, but a little more time for relaxation. I often work for 1 to 2 hours and then enjoy some Netflix with Frank. Except on the evenings he sports. Then Lotte is in bed, I work, and Luc is sitting opposite me doing homework or playing games. Quite cozy actually! Furthermore, I no longer work at the dining table, but only in the office… saves a lot of clutter every time.

And I make time again to start exercising in the morning 2 or 3 times a week, which is also good news. I think it's because I've got it all a little better now. This also gives you a little more peace of mind. Although it is in the nature of the beast to look for new activities! For example, I recently started a new site (will remain a secret for a while 😉) and I am going to organize a great event for bloggers in the autumn together with Marguerita from Marstyle and Esmée from Website4mama.

Very nice right? So if it's up to me, I'll stay that full-time working mother for a while, only I'm no longer in traffic! And you?