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Scooter and insurance:everything you need to know

Of course you know that a scooter must be insured. That is just like with cars:you can be fined if you have a scooter that is not insured. Not to mention that it's pretty stupid too! The costs in the event of an accident can be high and if the scooter is not insured, you can get into serious trouble. Scooter insurance is mandatory, but what about exactly? For example, what happens if someone else drives your scooter? And what is covered and what is not? The scooter and the insurance:here you will find everything you need to know!

Different types of insurance
There are different types of insurance. Basic insurance is the cheapest and is most often taken out. This is the third-party liability insurance:the legal liability is covered with this. This means that damage to the other party is paid by the scooter insurer of the person who caused the accident. Imagine you are driving through a red light and you crash into a car. The damage can run into the thousands of euros. You will not be reimbursed for the damage to your scooter, but the insurance will pay for the damage to the car that you have caused. And that's nice! You can expand this insurance with theft insurance, fire insurance or even all risk. The latter does not happen very often, but it is a nice coverage. Your scooter insurer will then always pay for all damage, including those to your own scooter.

Who insures the scooter?
Different rules apply to cars than to scooters. In the case of a scooter, the owner is obliged to insure the scooter. The interesting thing is that the most important data for the insurer is not the name of the user, but the date of birth. Unlike cars, where you specify the person who uses the car most often, your scooter insurance requires you to specify the date of birth of the youngest user. If you as a parent buy a scooter and your son or daughter will also use it, you must report his or her date of birth. The insurer determines the amount of the premium on the basis of this date. The scooter insurer only pays for damages if the driver of the scooter is not younger than the specified date. Imagine that your son uses the scooter, but your date of birth has been given to the insurer. Then he does not have to pay compensation if your son causes damage. It is therefore important to pay attention to this!

Scooter insurance works differently than car insurance. It's good to know what the differences are. Of course there are also many similarities, because the operation of the policies is roughly the same. Most importantly, with scooters the age of the driver is much more important than with cars. Furthermore, the value of the scooter is of course also different. Most people (especially young people) do not insure their scooter all risk because the value is not (anymore) high. The elderly more often buy an expensive new scooter, which they insure all risk. The insurance costs are in any case a lot more favorable for the elderly. This is because, generally speaking, they drive more slowly and pay more attention than young people. Do you want to buy a scooter yourself or have you just bought one? Then you now know exactly what the scooter insurance is like.