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Why business travel is bad for your health

Struggling to fight your bulging tummy? Business travel may be to blame, with more than a third of workers who travel regularly claiming healthy eating is disappearing. Whether it's a big latte on the train, grabbing a pastry between morning meetings or a three-course meal with clients, business travel spells bad news for employees' usual healthy eating habits, according to new research.

The recent study of 1,000 British workers who regularly travel for work claimed that their eating habits were worse when they were away from home. In fact, 36% of respondents believed this was the aspect most suffered from, with sleep pattern disruptions coming second, with 33% of respondents saying a super comfy bed was at the top of their wish list as the comes to choose a room for the night.

Extra snacks and oversized meals quickly add up to calories, in fact, 58% of regular travelers surveyed believed they were easily consuming anywhere from 250 to a whopping 1,500 extra calories per day, compared to a typical work day — possibly 50% more than the recommended daily calorie intake for men and women.