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How do you know if you are really a writer

Lots of coffee, a little (actually a lot) of procrastination, empty Word documents, piles of notes, bouts of self-doubt, and the satisfying tapping of the keyboard. All things that writers are familiar with. Are you longing to write a book but not sure if it's in you?
Here are some signs that you're a writer in the making:

1. You are a word hamster
If the sentence is correct, then you want to remember it. You can't read books without carrying a notepad. Why? It's because you feel like you're reading something that makes sense. As a result, you have a lot of Post-it notes, notes and memos all in the name of “I don't want to forget that”.

2. You like to read
It is fun for you to stick your nose in a book. While everyone else is going to the movies or out, you prefer quiet time with a book in your hands. You devour books all day long and immerse yourself in them so much that you forget about other things. And being a reader is where a lot of your ideas come from.

3. You'd rather write than say it
The moment your boss seems to be the devil himself, you can't bring yourself to tell him that to his face. It's not that you're afraid, but you just can't. You prefer to do it in an email. The same applies to submitting a complaint about a product or service to a company.

4. You know when something is well written Even if you don't think you're good enough, you have a good taste for writing. You appreciate writing that is expertly constructed. Sometimes you repeatedly read a sentence and paragraph not because of what is written, but how it is written. And when you come across something astonishing, you smile.

5. You observe and create stories about people
Your eyes are never in one place. While everyone is chatting, you silently watch people's actions. Sometimes you get caught staring. At other times you make up stories in your head without anyone noticing.

6. You see every experience as a gold mine
For you, nothing is a waste. Whether you get wet in the rain, or your dog chases your neighbor's kid, it's something to write about. While others may feel discouraged by certain events, it is something for you to add to your journal.

7. You value your diaries more than your shoes
You can throw away your old shoes and even give some away to charity, but your scribbled diaries? Never! As long as a book contains a sentence you wrote, the last thing you want to do is throw it away.

8. You see writing as a form of therapy
For you, writing words on paper is therapeutic. When you're feeling angry, lonely, or just depressed, your best friend isn't the bottle, it's that piece of paper next to you.

9. You are curious about your environment
Your sensitivity is at its peak. You know when your neighbor is not at home or when people behave differently. Sometimes you take an interest in things and objects that are often overlooked by others. That is a quality that not everyone has. You are always advised to 'forget it', but that is simply not possible.

10. You write down your ideas
And you write them down as soon as they come to your mind – on what's available. It's not that you always do something with those ideas, but it's an essential part of your thinking process. And maybe there is a slight obsession with never letting go of anything?

11. You like to listen to your thoughts
Thinking comes naturally to you. While others try to avoid it as much as possible, you embrace it. “Why do you think so much?” Is probably a question you are often asked. The truth is, you don't have the answer to that, because you just do it!

12. Your phone is always on silent
When you talk to someone, you usually have an appointment, on your terms and at a time that suits you. Interruptions are not welcome. You ask yourself, why couldn't they just email? Or send a Facebook message? Isn't everything better written?

13. You are constantly looking for 'why'
Asking 'why' is much more interesting than asking 'how'. For you then. And if you can't find the answer, you will read and research, and ideas will make sense and connect. You see patterns. And then you might write it down. Somewhere. Maybe one day you will write that book?

14. You will find inspiration everywhere It doesn't matter if it's the pattern of the trees in the park or the old man in the coffee shop every morning, you'll find inspiration everywhere without looking for it. You are grateful for the inspiration wherever it comes from:from the smallest things to the life-changing moments. Because that's what inspires you to sit down and share your story with the world. And that's what makes a writer so special.

15. You magically end up in a writing frenzy
At first the writer's block hits you and all you see is a blank page. Minutes later, you backtrack as if you're haunted by your thoughts. Sometimes you only intended to write half a page. But after a few minutes you are already two pages further. And you're not even halfway there.

16. You never stop writing
Even if you had the most demanding job taking up most of your hours, you would always find time to write something down. Even if you lost everything in this world, one of the first things you would get would be a pen and paper. And when you sleep? Writing materials are always at arm's length. Something can come out while you're why not write it down?