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A mediation course, everyone should do it

Mediators are increasingly used in professional life. Those who would like to professionalize and develop themselves in the field of business communication can consider taking a course or training in mediation. Such training has many advantages and you learn new skills that you can use on both a professional and personal level. As an independent link, a mediator can mediate between two parties and resolve or prevent conflicts. We tell you everything you need to know about mediators and mediator training.

Endless uses

Mediation has become increasingly popular in recent years:where years ago the profession had a somewhat negative image, nowadays there is mainly positive attention. More and more companies are working with mediators and the government and the judiciary also make frequent use of these specialists. “Mediators are very versatile, the applications are endless. Anyone who has mastered the technique of mediation can create a better atmosphere and easily resolve tensions in the workplace,” says Karien Bonenkamp of Merlijn Groep Mediation. Mediation is also often used in divorce and family problems. Think of a conflict around an inheritance or a family quarrel that got out of hand. If you follow a mediation course, you can use the technique in your professional and personal life. Such a course is therefore not only for someone who wants to work as a mediator, but is also recommended for anyone who wants to develop further.

Clear communication

Mediation stands or falls with good clear communication. A large part of the conflicts arises because one or more parties communicate poorly. A mediator can help with this:by asking the right questions and observing and analyzing conversations, the mediator quickly gets to the core of the problem. This can be done at all kinds of different levels, because communication is important in every layer of an organization or society. For example, do you have a management position or do you aspire to one? Then mediation can give you the tools you need to help your team work better together and move forward. By improving your own communication skills, you can be a better manager or employee for your colleagues. In addition, you can of course always consider working as a mediator or giving independent advice to organizations after training.

Give yourself personal growth

Becoming a mediator can give you and your career a major boost. Personal development is important for everyone. Even if you are no longer an 18-year-old student, following courses and training can enrich your life considerably. If you are someone by nature who likes to communicate with people and discuss problems, then there is a good chance that you were born for mediation. If you are not sure whether it really suits you, you can always start with a short course and if you like it, start a longer course. After such training you can continue to work in your current position, you do not have to start working as a mediator right away. You will notice that the training gives you a different view of communication, work atmosphere and conflicts. Fortunately, a person is never too old to learn and grow. Allow yourself that growth and give your professional and personal life a boost with a mediation course!