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Company that is recruiting:what you need to know about your future employer

Better understand the company that is recruiting

In order not to arrive in tourist mode, and to play the disinterested girl, it is better to be well informed before a job interview:to know the activity of the company which is recruiting and to try to have as much information as possible on its current context. If the recruiter asks you questions, then you will be better able to answer them! First, look for information about its history and creation. Then, investigate its customers and what differentiates it from its competitors. What are his upcoming projects? What is his financial situation? What are its news? The more you know about the subject, the more relevant you will be! The recruiting company should have no more secrets for you! To you the pointed questions and the documented arguments!

Find out about the job details before the job interview

After researching overall information about the recruiting company, the number of employees, its products, its customers and its values, dig deeper into its needs for the coveted position. Who will be your collaborators? What will your service be? What will be the tasks to be performed? What will be the missions?… It is a question of scanning all the important characteristics of the position. During the job interview, you can then ask questions on the points you want to deepen. The question of remuneration is also central! Check with the competitors if they have a position identical to this one in the company. And find out about the sector of activity in general, to find out if it is buoyant or in difficulty. In a nutshell, do not neglect any information likely to enhance you during the job interview!

Where can I find information about the company that is recruiting?

Reread the job posting several times, and try to answer the previous questions. You can also browse long, wide and across the website of the company that is recruiting! A lot of information is present there, on the history but especially on the products or services! Go look for the "About..." section or the press kit if there is one. Also continue to investigate directly on the Internet and on the side of any online articles on this subject. The specialized press has already mentioned the company in an article. You can also find valuable information from professional associations. During the interview, be smart, and gradually distil this various information. Do not show that you have read the entire encyclopedia. Instead, try to provide specific examples or arguments from your research each time!