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The top 10 professions deemed the creepiest according to science

Some professions are less common than others. Unusual hours, very particular know-how or connection with the mystical, there are many arguments for which professions are considered a little worrying. Researchers from Knox College in Illinois, USA, took an interest in the question:they carried out an online study with 1,300 participants to determine which professions are the most "creepy". To do this, a scale ranging from 0 to 5 – from “not very creepy” to “very creepy” – was developed, and the results, revealed in The Independent , are unequivocal:clowns come out on top, with an index of 3.7. Rather ironic when you know that their primary vocation is to entertain...

Activities around silence, death or sex

Before revealing the rest of the classification, here are some small clues which are conclusions drawn from the study:is considered "creepy" which represents an ambiguous threat (hence the clowns), but also unusual behaviors such as working the night. Additionally, men's occupations are more likely to be considered worrisome, as these gentlemen are perceived by both genders to be more physically threatening. Next clue:“We are on our guard when confronted with people who touch us or whose non-verbal behaviors are not the norm; but also to those who have occupations that reflect a fascination with death or abnormal sex “says the study. Indeed, said like that…

On the leisure side, it is those based on collection or observation that rise to the top of the "creepy" ranking. It is therefore not a dream to collect dolls, insects or even teeth, nor to be a bird watching enthusiast...

But we won't make you wait any longer, here is the ranking of the professions considered to be the most gloomy (with their index on the scale):

1. Clown (3.71)

2. Taxidermist (3.69)

3. Owner of a sex shop (3.32)

4. Funeral Director (3.22)

5. Taxi Driver (2.86)

6. Religious (2.57)

7. Janitor (2.51)

8. Garbage collector (2.25)

9. Watchman (2.18)

10. Writer (2.14)

So, does that speak to you?