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Essential care for your teeth

Essential care for your teeth

What is this? Wouldn't that be a cavity? Damn… you're off for a dentist appointment. Do you know that poor oral hygiene, lack of care and maintenance can lead to many complications? The latter can range from simple decay to loosening of the tooth. To avoid all these hassles, some dental care is essential.

What do I risk if I don't take care of my teeth?

4 out of 10 French people [1] neglect their annual appointment with the dentist. We do not realize how lucky we are to have healthy teeth until we are confronted with dental or gum problems. Those who have suffered from it know that it can hurt a lot and be very expensive. What are you really risking by neglecting your dental care? Here are some examples of common dental diseases:

  • Gingivitis :this inflammation of the gums results in irritated and abnormally red gums. Bleeding when brushing your teeth is a symptom.
  • Periodontitis :Untreated gingivitis can develop into periodontitis. In this case, the inflammation spreads to the tissues that surround and support the teeth. The infection then lodges between the tooth and the gum. A lack of care can have more serious consequences, such as loosening and loss of teeth.
  • Caries :it is the most common dental disease. Cavities attack the enamel of the tooth and hollow it out. The pain occurs when the hole is deep and goes beyond the enamel. The cavity turns into a toothache and then into a dental abscess if the cavity reaches the bone or the gum. A badly treated cavity can evolve very badly.
  • Heaving: this dental disease causes the loss of gum tissue around the tooth. The root is then exposed and the sensitized teeth can fall out. Gingivitis or periodontitis treated late can lead to this type of dental disease.
  • Tartar :in this case, it is the dental plaque that thickens due to poor oral hygiene. But we are not all equal in front of this problem, because dental plaque depends on the quality of our saliva. In some people, tartar therefore forms more quickly.

Tips to avoid dental problems

To preserve your dental capital, here are our tips:

  • Avoid tobacco, which yellows teeth and causes irritation.
  • Choose toothbrushes with soft bristles.
  • Change your toothbrush every three months.
  • Make regular appointments with your dentist.
  • Rinse your mouth.

What are the essential treatments to take care of my teeth?

Lack of dental care or poor oral hygiene can really have catastrophic and painful effects. To avoid this, it is better to rely on preventive care to preserve your dental capital. What are the must-have dental care? How to take care of your mouth?

Adopt good oral hygiene :your daily hygiene is the basis of good dental health. To prevent plaque from forming, brush your teeth after every meal. Flossing or interdental brushes can also be effective in removing plaque between teeth.

Choosing the right toothpaste

It's hard to find your way around the shelves with this wide choice of toothpastes. How to choose the right one? Which one is right for you? If you have the possibility, ask your dentist what he recommends for you based on your teeth and gums. Opt for a fluoride toothpaste if you're prone to cavities, or a toothpaste for sensitive gums if you bleed while brushing.

Regular descaling :to remove dental plaque, go to the dentist for a scaling. It is advisable to do one or two descalings a year.

Dental expenses are today one of the most poorly reimbursed health costs by health insurance. This is why it is important to be well covered by your health insurance to go to your dentist with a light heart! With MaGarantie Santé Plus, Mutuelle Mieux-Etre offers a wide choice of formulas so that everyone has access to the protection they need.

Don't wait until the pain is already well established and adopt the right reflexes now to preserve your oral health. The goal of your skincare routine is to avoid heavier skincare and have a healthy mouth so you can enjoy life to the fullest!

[1] According to the French Union for Oral Health (Ufsbd)