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Reduce your heating bill

Reduce your heating bill

Respect the environment without shivering, do you think it's difficult? You will quickly realize that it is actually very simple. Here are all our tips for reducing your heating bill to do good for the planet and his wallet.

Why save money on your heating bill?

Save on heating bill for your finances

According to the Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe), heating accounts for 75% of energy expenditure in France. A situation which, with the prices of gas and electricity which continue to increase, is not likely to improve. Consequences:a rising, rising gas bill, and diminished purchasing power for the French. To save a few euros every day and be able to afford a great summer vacation, you have no choice:you have to reduce your heating consumption.

Do you know the energy check?

The energy check is state aid to pay energy bills granted on a means-tested basis. If you are eligible, you will automatically receive your energy check during the month of April. You don't have to do anything. Its average amount is €200 in 2019.

Saving energy to reduce your ecological impact

Yes, producing the gas and electricity you need to heat your cozy nest has a significant impact on the environment. To limit the damage, all you have to do is adopt eco-citizen actions such as using clean energy and reducing your heating consumption. Let's never forget:the greenest energy is the energy you don't consume.

Our tips for reducing your heating consumption

Heat useful!

A few principles to follow:

  • Don't overheat your home:the recommended ideal temperature in living areas is 19°C and 17°C in bedrooms. Remember:1 degree cooler means 7% savings on the heating bill.
  • Do not heat rooms that are not occupied during the day (office, bedrooms).
  • Turn down the heating before bed and invest in a good duvet.
  • Remember to schedule your heating:you can save up to 28% on your gas bill. Interesting, right?

Reminder:Going away for the weekend?

In winter, remember to set your boiler to "frost protection" mode. This will protect your boiler and the heating installation from freezing which could damage them.

Don't let the heater blow away

It is recommended to ventilate each room of the house daily to renew the air. If you are not equipped with the latest generation radiators with window opening detection, remember to turn off your heating so as not to panic your meter. By the way, airing does not mean cooling the house. For a clean and healthy home, about ten minutes are enough.

Lower the temperature one degree

Lowering the temperature by a small degree is not very complicated. Plus, it can save you money. Concretely, on a bill of €1,200 a year, heating to 19°C instead of 20 can save you a hundred euros. Without forgetting that it is a good opportunity to wear the woolen cardigan knitted by Mamie for Christmas.

Close the shutters

This simple gesture can save you up to 2% on heating. So, as soon as night falls, remember to close all the shutters of the house. By reinforcing the insulation, they prevent the wind from sucking in the heat (poorly insulated windows can lose up to 30% of energy).

Pamper your heaters

Did you know you can improve the performance of your radiators by taking the right steps?

  • Do not place any furniture or curtains in front of your radiators, this will obstruct air circulation.
  • Clean the inside of your radiators regularly.
  • Do not cover your radiators with linen.

Insulate your home properly

Well-insulated housing is less energy-intensive, and therefore less expensive. Insulating your home is therefore essential for anyone who wants to reduce their bills. To do this, we insulate the roof (25 to 30% of heat loss according to Ademe), the walls, the floor, the doors and windows, we improve the ventilation of the accommodation, and we install a boiler with better efficiency. .

New aid for energy renovation

The Government has planned the creation of an energy bonus which will replace the CITE and the aid from the ANAH. This aid may cover up to two-thirds of the expense and will be paid upon completion of the work. Objective ? Promote energy renovation (insulation of attics, walls, installation of double-glazed windows, a condensing gas boiler, etc.) in the most modest households.

Help a professional for your boiler

A well-maintained heater consumes between 8 and 12% less energy. You will therefore save a lot by calling on a professional every year for the maintenance of your device.

Limiting your heating consumption is no longer simply recommended, it is imperative. Not only is it good for the budget, but above all, these small, simple gestures have a positive impact on the planet.