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Spring cleaning:don't throw anything away!

Spring cleaning:don t throw anything away!

We have been confined for a few days to eradicate the spread of the Coronavirus virus. Want or need to take your mind off things and keep busy? Celebrate sorting your stuff! Who says spring cleaning also says renewal and change of habits. In the midst of confinement, it's a good time to reflect on your daily life and your relationship with clothes. So this year instead of throwing everything away, we're not throwing anything away! We even save money by being united. Sorting, buying, donating:we explain how to do it.

Why do we have to stop throwing?

The first to suffer the wrath of spring cleaning is the dressing room. Overconsumption leads us to pile up objects in our homes that we will use very little or never and which, in addition, will end up in the trash. These include clothing, but also electronic or electrical appliances, hygiene products and household products. To avoid this waste and pollution, more and more French people are turning to donation associations or sites selling second-hand items.

What is the best way to sort?

Before knowing what to give or sell, it is mandatory to go through the "sorting" box.

We keep

To start, get all your clothes out of your closet. Then, sort the things you keep on one side, the trick to being efficient is to keep only the clothes you put on and in which you are comfortable.

Give or sell

On the other side are the things you are going to give away or sell. These are things that have become too small for children, clothes or shoes that have gone out of fashion, or clothes that no longer fit you, etc.

I would like to give:which associations should I turn to?

How do you resist the temptation to throw away? By contacting an association that will be very happy to recover your clothes or objects, even if they are broken or worn. There are many of them in France, and you will necessarily find one near you. The very famous Emmaüs association, founded by Abbé Pierre, is the first one that comes to mind, but it is not the only one. You can also find out about the existence of a neighborhood association in your city in order to collect your various donations. Some companies organize collections at the initiative of their employees, it may be time to trigger the movement with your office colleagues. A multitude of associations will collect your clothes, such as:

  • Popular Relief
  • The Red Cross
  • Weaving Solidarity
  • The solidarity tie
  • The orphan socks

You can also donate your clothes to resource centers or drop them off in collection containers.

I don't want to throw away but I have trouble giving, what should I do?

If you are particularly attached to your clothes or favorite objects that are worn or damaged, you can take up sewing or DIY. Many tutorials are available on the web to teach you how to repair them and give them a second life.

I'd rather sell:how do I do it?

Many sites allow you to sell items you no longer want. Among these sites, there are some specialized in clothing such as Vinted or Vide Dressing. Others allow you to sell all kinds of items such as LeBonCoin, Ebay or Amazon Redeem.

Some tips will help you sell more easily and at the best price:

  • One or more photos of your items will give more credibility to your advertisement and the interested parties will be able to get an idea of ​​the product;
  • Make a detailed description object or garment;
  • Be present and answer questions internet users.

4 rules to follow to sell with confidence

  • Be vigilant and do not leave your details online;
  • Never disclose personal information to your buyer;
  • Only accept card or cash payments
  • Follow the law on the obligation to declare, if your sales become habitual and repeated.

Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to change your habits and turn to more supportive and eco-friendly sorting methods. Say NO to your trash and YES to donations and sales! Your home will thank you and so will your wallet.