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How much does home insurance cost? What price ?

How much does home insurance cost? What price ?

The obligations are not the same for everyone in terms of home insurance. Tenants and owners of condominiums are required by law to subscribe while the owner of a single-family home has the choice.

Not everyone benefits from the same home insurance rate either. Depending on whether you own or rent, the price of coverage can vary from simple to double. Similarly, the region where the accommodation is located matters a lot in determining the price. There are many criteria for pricing home insurance. What is the price of such insurance? Answers.

Factors that affect the price of home insurance

The average home insurance price is often evaluated by online insurance comparison sites according to the region. These evaluations revealed that there is a significant difference between the insurance prices of the different regions of France. If in Corsica the premium can go beyond 400 euros to insure a house, in Brittany the premium is around 250 euros for the same house and for the same guarantees.

The status of the insured also matters a lot in the pricing of home insurance for the same dwelling. Insurance is generally higher for a landlord than for a tenant. Although the cover is not compulsory for the owner, it is advisable to take out this insurance, since in the event of a claim, he will be obliged to assume the consequences without any help.

Home insurance rate:how is it calculated?

Many criteria are used to calculate the price of home insurance, starting with the area of ​​the accommodation and the value of the goods it contains. The number of living rooms, annexes, valuable goods, the guarantees chosen weigh in the final cost of the insurance premium. Moreover, the profile of the insured will be taken into account by the insurer. Thus, the premium will also be defined according to whether you are an owner occupant, non-occupant, a tenant in furnished or unfurnished accommodation, or an occupant free of charge.

Note that your history as an insured will allow the insurer to measure the risks that you constitute. Therefore, if you have declared several claims in the previous year, you will be considered a negligent insured. Then, the company will study the characteristics of the house in order to put a price on the coverage. The year of construction, the location of the apartment in the condominium, the use are all criteria for determining the risks.

The cost of home insurance also varies from one insurer to another, although the risk is the most determining criterion. The more you are likely to experience claims, whether domestic risks or external events, the more you will pay for your home insurance.

How to reduce your home insurance premium?

The fastest way to reduce the cost of home insurance is to settle for the really essential guarantees and ignore the options. This will give you the opportunity to pay less for your insurance. Along the same lines, you are also able to opt for a high deductible, but this proves risky in the event of a claim. Finally, to pay less for home insurance, it is necessary to use an insurance comparator that will help you find the best home insurance at the best price without sacrificing your guarantees.

Specialized sites offer this tool to Internet users free of charge and without obligation. In a few minutes, it will reveal to you the most interesting offers on the market, corresponding to your needs. In addition, it is also possible to negotiate the offers in order to make them more interesting. But to get there, you have to present solid arguments to the insurer. The negotiation can be conducted by yourself or through an insurance broker.