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How to clean and tidy your Trello boards 5 simple tips

If you use Trello a lot and often, your Trello boards are probably pretty messy. It's a good idea to sort them from time to time to make sure important items don't fall under the radar.

A clean place will also make Trello easier to navigate and the correct data easier to find. Don't know where to start? Start with these simple activities and make the relevant activities a part of your regular Trello cleanup routine.

1. Archive old boards

How to clean and tidy your Trello boards 5 simple tips

If there are dashboards that haven't seen much activity and probably won't, you might consider archiving them. You can archive boards with the Close board hidden option behind Show menu> More .

(You will find the Show me the menu button below your gravatar at the top right of the page.)

An archived board is not gone forever. It is simply hidden and can be retrieved via Boards menu. To access this menu, click Boards button next to the Home button at the top left of the page.

Next, click on the View closed tables Item in the menu to reveal a list of your archived boards. Click Reopen next to the board you want to recover. If you are sure you never want to get it back, you can click Delete instead.

You may also want to uncheck some of the starred boards in the Boards Menu to clean up the menu a bit.

2. Archive unnecessary lists and cards

How to clean and tidy your Trello boards 5 simple tips

Trello lists and cards can also get out of control sometimes. Why not archive the ones that are distracting, unused or no longer relevant?

To archive a list, first click Action List button (three dots ) next to the list name. Now select the Archive this list Option that appears in the corresponding menu.

For the cards, you will find the File Option in Trello Quick Edit Menu How to Use Trello:10 Common Questions Beginner Question, Answers How to Use Trello:10 Common Beginner Questions, Answers If you're new to Trello, these helpful Trello shortcuts and tips will help you get the hang of it. project management tool fall flat in no time. Read more . To reveal this menu, tap my key or click the pencil Icon that appears when you hover over a card.

the File option is also displayed under Behavior on the card back. (Speaking of the back of the card, here, you can keep card activity out of sight by clicking the Hide details link next to the Activity section.)

How to clean and tidy your Trello boards 5 simple tips

Like archived tables, archived lists and cards are also secure. You can view and retrieve them at any time from Show menu> More> Archived Items .

Do you want archived cards to automatically show up on the corresponding whiteboard on a schedule? You can make this happen if you get the Snooze of cards Power-Up to postpone the cards for later..

By the way, a Power-Up is nothing more than a plugin in terms of Trello and Card Snooze is just one of the handy Trello Power-Ups that will improve your workflow. You can install Power-Ups from Show menu> Power-Ups .

3. Clean stickers, labels and extensions

How to clean and tidy your Trello boards 5 simple tips

Stickers are a fun way to make cards look interesting, but it's easy to overdo them. Get rid of specific board or card stickers to cut down on visual clutter. You can remove the stickers from board view only. Hover over a sticker to reveal its remove option.

Tags can also add to clutter in Trello. We also recommend trimming the extras in this department.

To remove a tag, first click Edit Tags from the quick edit Menu of any letter. This reveals all available tags for that board. Then click on the pencil icon next to the tag you want to get rid of. In the Change label pop-up below, click the Delete button at the bottom right.

Before confirming the deletion, please note that you will not only lose the selected tag from all linked cards, but also your entire history.

Just like stickers and labels, Trello extensions can make your job easier. But having too many of them is not a great idea. Delete those that you no longer need / use.

4. Export old data

How to clean and tidy your Trello boards 5 simple tips

Have you saved irrelevant data now for centuries in Trello because you might need it one day? Maybe it's time to store that data somewhere else and remove it from Trello.

Trello allows you to export data in JSON format, which is not ideal because the format is not easy to parse. Fortunately, you can get a browser extension like Export for Trello to bring your Trello board data into a spreadsheet format. This keeps it much more readable.

If you still want to export to JSON, you can do so from Show menu> More> Print and export . Here, Trello Business Class users will see an option to export badge data to a CSV file. The option is grayed out if you do not have a Business Class account.

5. Get a new user style

How to clean and tidy your Trello boards 5 simple tips

Sleek is an easy way to change the layout of your favorite web applications for ease of use. Your website will provide you with user styles or themes to change, hide, or remove specific Trello elements.

For example, Trello Flat Minimal creates a flatter, more compact design. Then there's the white board with a colored header, which gives Trello a cleaner look. Try the Trello Slim Boards drawer for a slimmer design. Boards menu.

Give your Trello boards a facelift

Trello is highly organized on its own and easy to use for such a complex application. But it fills up with regular use thanks to its complexity.

That's why it's up to you to clean up your boards from time to time for a better Trello workflow. 5 Productivity Tips Every Trello User Should Start Using 5 Productivity Tips Every Trello User Should Start Using Part of the The reason Trello is so great is that it has several productivity features built into the platform. Here are some that will prove useful. Read more . And while you're at it, how about cleaning up your entire digital life? The KonMari method applied to your digital life The KonMari method applied to your digital life To live a happier life, discard everything that does not bring you joy and organize your rest. Here's how to apply the KonMari method to your digital life. Read more ?