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12 time management techniques to help you make the most of your 24 hours

We've all struggled to better manage our time at one time or another. So if you are currently feeling scattered, know that you are not alone. The good news is that time management techniques can be learned, as long as you understand why you are doing something and practice until the good idea becomes a habit.
To know which approaches are worth Worth continuing, we asked Young Entrepreneur Council members to share the time management techniques they use to get the most out of their 24 hours. What do you see using?
1. Compartmentalizing projects.
Switching between task types is mentally draining. Instead, group related projects together and tackle them all at once. For example, start your day with customer service challenges. Then move on to marketing campaigns. Next, review new product opportunities. This will make it easier to complete tasks when you don't have to mentally switch back and forth dozens of times a day.
Firas Kittaneh , Amerisleep
2. Track your time.
Time tracking is like a budget for money. It makes me see what I was doing mindlessly in terms of not using time in the best way and where I can make immediate improvements. I use a time tracking app, which helps me track what I'm doing every minute of the workday.
Serenity Gibbons , NAACP
3. Develop code when you're busy.
We've all been in a situation where we want to get back to work, but we can't quite end conversations with our managers. So we internally developed a code that says, "Please don't take offense, but I really need to tackle this." This tactic has changed the way I manage my time because it means I can work on big projects without interruption.
Syed Balkhi , WPBeginner
4. Eat that frog.
The phrase "eat that frog" was made popular by author Brian Tracy. It's basically a time management technique that says you need to tackle the most difficult and important task on your to-do list first thing in the morning. Crossing off the most difficult and priority thing before doing anything has made me more productive throughout the day.
John Turner , SeedProd LLC
5. Plan for distractions.
People in general can be distracting. If someone says they want two minutes of your time, it's almost never two minutes! If I don't have time to meet someone for 10-15 minutes on the spot, I usually have them make an appointment with me. It's best to run your day with enough leeway that you can accomplish at least one or two things you set out to do.
Jennifer A Barnes , Optima Office, LLC
6. Focus on one thing.
My time management changed when I started focusing on “one thing”. At the start of the day, I focus on the most important task at hand. I don't let other issues creep into my schedule until this task is completed. Once it does, I move on to the next most important task, and so on. This eliminates the desire to multi-task and, in turn, flaunt yourself too thin.
Colbey Pfund , LFNT Distribution
7. Respond to emails twice a day.
Not everyone is able to do this, but I've seen it work wonders for those who are a little too often on their email trigger . It's quite simple. You set aside two different times during the day to respond to emails:once at the start, the second at the end. Anything in between is avoided except in an emergency, but then someone should call you.
Nicole Munoz , Nicole Munoz Consulting
8. Delegate more.
I have learned from my experience that the entrepreneur to-do list will never end. You can prioritize your tasks, focus on more important things, or set the time for something in particular, but in the end, just get things done. Unless you find a way to clone yourself, you need to build trust in other people who can perform these tasks better, faster, and cheaper than you.
Solomon Timothy , OneIMS
9. Use productivity apps.
With so many awesome productivity apps on the market, this has completely changed the way I manage my time for the better. You no longer have to sit down and plan your schedule for the week, because productivity apps make it easy to set reminders, stay on track, and get things done. Plus, with many of them, you can look back and see how much you've accomplished, further boosting motivation.
Stephanie Wells , Great Shapes
10. Reduce interruptions.
The fewer interruptions you have, the more productive you'll be. Pay attention to the things that bother you – you may need to put away your smartphone or close your email while you work on important tasks. An interrupted stream can really hamper progress. By recognizing what breaks your focus, you can increase your productivity.
Blair Thomas , eMerchantBroker
11. Use the Pomodoro Technique.
I discovered the Pomodoro Technique a few years ago while researching solutions to this exact problem, and I was extremely impressed with the results. The idea behind this is to allocate 25 minute time slots in which you only focus on one task. After each cut, take a short break before resuming. I did more work in four “Pomodoros” than some full working days!
Bryce Welker , Overwrite the CPA exam
12. Plan ahead to focus on priorities.
I always end my day by planning for the next day, and I always end the week by planning for the following week. It allows me to focus on top priorities as soon as I start my day without having to remember what's important or worry about anything derailing me.
Andrew Kucheriavy , Intechni