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The best way to increase your productivity? Work less!

Wouldn't we all like to work fewer hours? Between a huge to-do list to complete, high expectations for putting in long hours, and trying to meet deadlines, it can be tough. We often find ourselves working longer hours each day and each week, but studies show that this can actually decrease your productivity. These 10 distractions are crushing your productivity. These 10 distractions are crushing your productivity. No one can escape the distractions of doom! Read more.

We'll show you why your productivity suffers when you overwork, and what you can do to get more done in less time.


The productivity of working hours. , published in the Revista economica In 2015, it is one of the most referred studies on the subject. The author, John Pencavel, is a Senior Fellow at the Stanford Economic Policy Research Institute. The findings confirm that working more than 48 hours per week can decrease your productivity..

Some conclusions about the result show:

And, final conclusions of the case study, note:

If you are interested in reading the full case study, you can obtain a PDF copy from the Institute of Labor Economics website.

It's clear that working excessive hours can not only cause a drop in productivity, but also put employees at greater risk of problems. And it makes a lot of sense:the longer you work, the more tired you will be. How changing 4 key habits can help you fight work fatigue. How changing 4 key habits can help you fight job burnout Job fatigue, also known as job burnout, is one of the symptoms. of stress. What can you do to stop it? How can you avoid it? Change some old habits and build new ones. Read more and less focused you become. This can certainly lower your productivity and leave room for errors or even dangerous conditions, depending on the industry.

The challenge

Even if you read the entire study and know in your mind that it's conclusive, there's still a problem, right? How to reduce the number of hours you work?

For some it may be simple:work 40 hours and move on. But, for many it is not so easy. Depending on your field and career, long hours may be part of the job. Or, due to expectations, guilt, complacency, or fear, you may decide for yourself that you need to work more hours. Discover your most productive hours with this simple method Discover your most productive hours with this simple method Build your perfect work day Your energy levels. This simple Excel spreadsheet and a few seconds of work each day could help you change your habits and get more done. Read more.

Start by reviewing your work hours

If you find yourself in a position where the number of hours you work per week is self-imposed, you can probably fix it. If your job requires you to work 38 hours a week but you normally put in 50, ask yourself why. Think about how productive you really are By working those 12 extra hours. And then decide if it's really worth it.

The best way to increase your productivity? Work less!

Now maybe you are the opposite and in a position where long hours are a necessity. If you can't reduce the number of hours you work, don't worry because there are still things you can do.

Put effort into solutions

No matter what category you fall into with regards to your work hours, these suggestions can aid. You probably won't find a perfect solution, so try combining some of these tips. See what works best for you and go with it.

The best way to increase your productivity? Work less!

Use your free time

One thing you can do is take advantage of the free time you gain. Personal days, vacation days, and similar benefits that give you time away from work can help.

The best way to increase your productivity? Work less!

This allows you to relax, spend time with friends and family, catch up on rest, have fun and much more. You work hard and the time you gain is well deserved, so use it.

Manage your time wisely

Consider managing your time differently to reduce any unnecessary overload and stress. With helpful tools, habit changes, and a willingness to adapt, better time management may just be the ticket. While the topic of time management 9 Best Time Management Tools to Stay Organized 9 Best Time Management Tools to Stay Organized The time management tools featured here will help you make the most of your days . Suitable for any business or personal situation. This is the time to organize your life! Read More

Follow your time

First, track your time. This allows you to see exactly how much time you spend on tasks. Once you review how and where you spend your time, it's easier for you to make adjustments.

The best way to increase your productivity? Work less!

An excellent time tracking tool called Toggl can help. The app is available on the web, with browser extensions, and on mobile devices The best time tracking app for Android, iOS, and desktop The best time tracking app for Android, iOS, and desktop We show you how time tracking can benefit you or your team, what to look for in time tracking software, and the best cross-platform app we could find for the job. Read more . With one click, you can start and stop tracking tasks and then review them by the day, week, or month your time was up.

Prioritize your tasks

Now that you see how you spend your time, it's time to set priorities. Spent an inordinate amount of time on one task 13 Quick Tips to Get More Done, One Thing at a Time 13 Quick Tips to Get More Done, One Thing at a Time This is the age of multitasking. But is it productive or is it our biggest stress villain? The evidence says that you can get more done by concentrating on one task at a time. Read More Did you take on the most important tasks first? Are there tasks that are actually unnecessary?

A popular method that you can use for prioritization is called an Eisenhower matrix. This allows you to put your tasks into four different groups for Do First, Schedule, Delegate, and Don't. At a glance, you can easily see what to tackle first, second, third, and last.

You can visit the website to use this reliable online prioritization method. For mobile, you can check out Eisenhower for iOS ($2.99).

Delegate what you can

Once you've prioritized your tasks, decide which of them you can delegate to others. You may not have to complete all items. yourself . So if you can shift tasks to employees or team members, do so.

To organize the tasks you want to delegate, try using a tool like Meistertask. This app, like Toggl, is available through the web and through mobile platforms. This way you'll always be in the loop of who's doing what and when it's completed.

The best way to increase your productivity? Work less!

By using just these few time management concepts, you can create more free time and reduce work time. And, if you can stick with it, you will surely notice an improvement in your productivity, but also your mood.

What do long hours do for you?

Have you noticed a relationship between your productivity and long hours? If you've noticed that you become less productive the more hours you work, have you made changes? It can be hard to cut back on work hours How Just 4 Steps Can Help You Enjoy a 5-Hour Work Day How Just 4 Steps Can Help You Enjoy a 5-Hour Work Day Spending long hours at work isn't necessary. You can use some proven methods and tools to help you achieve a 5-hour work day and maximize productivity. Read More

Have you used any of these tips and, if so, did they work for you? We'd love to hear your thoughts.!