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4 Ways to Support Your Workplace Productivity

There's no shortage of hacks when it comes to being productive, but finding what works best for you can often be a little catch-as-catch-can. If you're still looking for that elixir of magical efficiency, fear not because you're not alone – 70% of the workforce doesn't feel engaged at work, according to the 2017 survey from Gallup on the state of the American workforce.
Part of this burden falls on the employer. After all, a happy employee is a productive employee, so it's important to make sure people feel valued, enjoy their work, and maintain that work-life balance.
The office environment is also important. It should match the personality of the business and be a true reflection of its people from top to bottom; your workspace will influence how you feel and, in turn, the work you produce.
In other words, productivity begets productivity. Just seeing others at work inspires you to do the same – and more purposefully, no less. That said, it's up to you to turn your workday into productive time. It often requires a combination of focus, determination and dedication. It also doesn't hurt if you're motivated at work.
Related: 3 Productivity Habits of Successful People
Hit your productivity peak.
Hitters know their strengths and adjust to the plate when necessary. Employees need to do the same in the office, tweaking their own approaches to put themselves in the best possible positions for success.
Whether your office is “all work and no play” or vice versa, the following can help you help achieve your productivity out of the park more easily:
1. Stay in your zone.
My dad always told me, "When you're at your peak, enjoy it." Indeed, his words of wisdom have proven invaluable in guiding my life and career.
I have personally found that my productivity cycle mirrors the basic sine wave, with a series of peaks and of valleys throughout the day. To get the best out of myself, I put the pedal to the metal every time I hit my apex; it's my main opportunity to do a ton of work.
But when you hit a val, don't fight it. Take your foot off the gas and give yourself a hill permit. Go to lunch, catch a nap or take a walk. To do your best, sometimes you have to step away for a while.
2. Drown out the crowd.
Do you work in an open space? Talk about distractions galore. Investing in noise-canceling headphones and other noise-cancelling devices not only lets you tune out those around you, but it also signals to your co-workers that you won't be disturbed. Add a pair and you've just hung the equivalent of a 'do not disturb' sign which creates a sense of loneliness that can boost your work performance.
Research from the University of Sydney has found that nearly 60% of workers in low-sided cubicles are dissatisfied with their sound privacy, so headphones can go a long way in combating distractions.
But headphones alone can't always prevent distractions. At its core, being productive is about finding a way to maintain your focus, so you want to be habitual in your approach. During these productivity spikes, turn off your phone, email, etc. You're most productive in the office, so make sure nothing gets in the way of your motivation.
3. Personalize your space.
Personality is key to our business and our office. This is one of the reasons why we decorate it with bright and fun colors. Grays, whites and beiges can cause feelings of sadness, according to a study from the University of Texas. But saturated colors like blue and red, especially in colored lights, can increase alertness and energy and can help spark ideas.
Although your two cents don't go far in the choice of paint or lighting for your business, personalizing your space can inspire a more positive attitude at work. Store essentials close at hand, store snacks in a drawer, and brighten up your cabin with color-conscious decor.
4. Stay ahead of the count.
Any task that seems boring, frustrating or difficult can cause you to feel a range of emotions, from fear to anxiety. At first, delaying this task can help combat these feelings and even provide an emotional boost.
But studies show that this effect wears off fairly quickly and can lead to feelings of guilt or decreased self-esteem. self esteem. Ultimately, procrastination inevitably leads to that stressful time crunch, which is no way to do your best work.
Instead of leaving those unwanted tasks for later, stay on top of everything and be proactive with your workload. Don't wait for a binding project to be urgent. It's all about keeping you out of panic mode.
Cut yourself a bit when you hit those lulls. Customize your workspace and processes – position yourself for success.
Related: 3 tips to make you more productive