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Ways to impress your boss

You are a tireless worker. You get your work done, and you achieve a lot for the company. But does the big boss know who you are? Maybe your boss knows your name and that's about it. No matter how good you are at your job, it's hard to advance your career if your boss doesn't notice you and the things you do. The good news is that you can do something about it. Take action and make sure you are on the right track, in a good way. Here are some simple tips to help you stand out at work for all the right reasons.

Be early for work
Don't be on time, but be early. If you can find a way to get up, get coffee, and get to the office at least 10 minutes before most of your coworkers arrive, chances are you'll be noticed. Most bosses don't have their position because they walk in late every day. If your boss is early, he/she will notice your dedication and you may even get some time together for a conversation. If it doesn't, there are still many reasons why being early to work is good for your career. Try it for a month and see how it works.

Make the first move
It can be as simple as looking your boss in the eye and just saying "Hello" or "How is your day" as you pass him/her. Better yet, make an effort to talk in a casual atmosphere. Talk in the break room or at an office event. As you speak, make sure to ask questions and really listen to the answers. What does your boss really care about? Family? Sport? A specific project that happens in the office? Once you know where your boss's focus is, you can relate to them on that level. Don't try to talk yourself up. Just talk, listen carefully and keep things positive. Only bring up a work problem if you have already come up with a solution. Once you've had a few conversations with your boss, no matter the subject, you'll be on the radar. Now you can start building yourself little by little and start talking about your work and successes.

Speak at team meetings
Staff who are silent in team meetings are seen as employees who have little to contribute. Maybe you are an introverted person, maybe shy. Regardless, be prepared to provide input at work meetings. Let the team know when your projects are going well and suggest issues that arise. Every boss loves a problem solver. Speaking at team meetings gets the boss's attention simply by putting yourself there. If you consistently offer smart solutions or talk about successful projects, you leave a big impression.

Be involved at work
How can you be more involved at work? Think philanthropic or team building events (or both!). These types of events take quite a bit of effort to set up and run. Taking it on will make you look good. If you really want to stand out and impress your boss, you can propose a new idea. Take charge and sign up as a volunteer to organize something new. Too often companies leave things like this behind because doing something new takes extra work. Be that person who is not afraid to broaden his horizons.

Go to other departments
Find ways to use your talents and skills to help departments other than your own at work. If you can spare a little time here and there, you can benefit yourself in many ways by working in different departments. You will have the chance to help others while learning new things along the way. You can also improve your resume, better understand your company as a whole, and increase your reputation throughout the company. Do you think the boss won't notice? Think again. If people from multiple departments let you know how you have helped them, the boss will recognize you as a versatile and valuable person.

Be nice Happy, outgoing and somewhat playful people at work not only show their own happiness, but also increase it in others. No boss wants to see employees acting like they are at work that makes them miserable. If you do your job well, and have fun at the same time, you are a force that is sure to impress. There are many simple things you can do to create more fun for yourself and others at work. Find a few ideas that you think would work in your office and start integrating them into the culture. If the fun approach is too hard for you, just focus on being happy. Try to smile and be happy. It's not always easy, but it's effective.