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5 ways to make your work a happy place

You spend most of the time at work. If you don't like it every now and then, it can make you less productive and reluctant to go to work. So here are five ways to make the office a happier and more productive place.

1. Celebrate your victories – Successes big and small should be celebrated. They help you stay on track and make you feel more confident and see progress.

2. Make Your Impact Visible – Tracking and getting credit for your victories on a regular basis will leave you feeling fulfilled and wanting to keep it.

3. Don't Forget the Matter – Simply put, you're more likely to stay engaged if you continue to share your common values ​​with your employer. If you find yourself feeling disconnected, reintroduce yourself to the company's values ​​and make sure you're working toward the same goals.

4. Ask for feedback – Sometimes you start to feel disconnected because you don't feel that what you are doing makes a difference. That is why feedback from your colleagues and managers is important. Ask someone how you do it, what works or what you could improve. Use that as fuel and inspiration to get ahead.

5. Take a break – It's easy to get caught up in your daily tasks at work, but it's important to step away and give your mind a breather. Get up for a few minutes every hour to walk around. Clearing your mind for a while can help focus on how you approach everyday actions to give you a deeper sense of purpose and commitment at work.