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Ways to Make More Money as a Freelancer

If you're already working as a freelancer, you know it can be difficult to land jobs to earn enough. If you have yet to start as a freelancer, now you know it too. Do you want to earn more money as a freelancer? Read our tips here.

Make sure you have a good portfolio
There are a few ways to make yourself look good as a freelancer and one of the first places to focus is your online portfolio. If you don't already have one, make one now. This gives potential customers a quick and easy way to see what you've done, what you can offer, what your skills are, experience that sets you apart from others, and more. Make sure you have a good website where you put all this on. If you don't have a website or online portfolio page, make sure your other freelance profiles are up to date and looking good.

Always send a link to your portfolio to potential clients and highlight three key features of your work in the email itself. Some people want to click through and see the whole site/profile, while others just want to see a preview or a photo. This helps you seize every opportunity.

Focus on a few niches
If you want to make more money from freelancing, you'll have to ditch the all-rounder and narrow your niches. If you start to focus on your niche and only target customers in that direction, you leave a big group behind. This may seem like you're limiting yourself, but it's actually strategic. Customers pay more for experts and specialists. This is true in the business world and it is true when you work as a freelancer.

Don't let fear hold you back
Often you will get emails from people who have seen your work and want to see what you can offer them. You may find this a little scary, but the bar is already set very high in such cases thanks to the great work you've already done. Don't let fear hold you back, as it can lead to more opportunities, maybe even more work with that one client.

Know when to prioritize
No opportunity is a bad opportunity, but some will probably make you more money than others. When working with clients, take stock of how valuable this freelance work is to you; this could be based on how much you get paid, how big their brand is, etc. On days when you are overwhelmed with work, use this as a way to prioritize the work that will be most valuable to you in the long run will be.

Know your worth
As a freelancer, you will know how hard it really is to turn down an opportunity. We could all use a little extra cash, and there's always a glimmer of hope when you see an email from a potential customer. However, if you take work that doesn't pay you what you earn based on the work you do, it will not only be frustrating for you but also cost you time that you could use to find better freelance jobs. Always take at least 24 hours to decide if you want to move forward with a new potential customer. When you weigh the pros and cons, you can make a more informed decision that will likely lead to more money.

Always start high
When you mention an amount for your work, always start high. Usually, if they want to work with you, they won't say, "That's too much, we'll look elsewhere." More often, they come back with a price they can afford and then you can decide if it's worth your time. Freelancers tend to undervalue their work in order to get more clients, and that's the wrong thing to do way to think if you want to reach the next level.