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5 Ways to Have More Better Days at Work

Think about the last time you had a "best day" at work. What happened?
For some people, that means being a problem-solving hero. Others enjoy being a valuable contributor to a team working on a particularly challenging project. A really good day at work might even be a time of trusting someone to get things done within a team.
Related: 10 ways to get (and stay) happy at work
Whatever the reason, something about your best day just clicked. And having one can be energizing and invigorating. It also makes you want to have more days like this.
If you could have more control over how many best days you have, I bet you would jump at the chance. In fact, many people would. In 2016, the Conference Board, a global business research association, found that more than 50% of American workers were unhappy at work.
Why would you want to have more better days at work?
In In the 1980s, the concept of work-life balance gained popularity as a means of separating the personal from the professional. Before that, the common term was work-leisure balance.
Both terms are a bit misleading. The idea that you have to balance work and life or play leads many people to think that leaning the ladder too far one way or the other means they're penetrating employers and co-workers. , or friends and families.
The biggest problem is that 30+ years of work-for-life makes us too often forget that we're still living life when we're at work. Our work ambitions are often rooted in personal ambitions. We are personally committed to the work we produce. We are proud of our professional accomplishments and want to tell our friends and families about them, and we want to talk about the great things that are happening in our lives with the people we work with.
It only makes sense that we want to more better days at work because we want more better days life .
What can you do to have more better days at work?
Let's say you sleep eight hours a night. That leaves you with 112 waking hours per week, more than a third of which you spend working if you're a full-time employee. It is important to check whether these hours are correct. Think about it. In order for you to enjoy life and your employer to enjoy it, it all starts with having someone who loves what they do for a living.
Here are some ways to help you have more better days:
1. Understand why your work is important.
If you walk into work every day not knowing how your work contributes to team, department, and organizational goals, it can feel like you're turning things around. wheels with no real purpose. Even if you feel clear about how you fit into the big picture, take the time to sit down with your manager and discuss it. You might even get a glimpse of what you're bringing to the table that you didn't realize before. Even better, you'll start to understand your Why , something very deep and personal that can really open our eyes to accomplishments you might not have considered.
2. Ask for opportunities to grow.
Whether it's taking a course that teaches new skills or assignments that enhance your knowledge and abilities, seeking opportunities shows your willingness to take on new challenges. When you have a growth mindset in your approach to life and work, you can learn from everything you do.
3. Work with people you love and trust.
Working with a connected team that is invested in the work they do is a gift. When trust is strong, people are more open to ideas, information, and even challenges. There is a collective interest in achieving the team's objectives. Building strong relationships within teams can open the door to more growth opportunities. It's not about working with your best friends. It's about working with people who help you be better.
4. Have confidence in yourself at work.
No one should have to put on a work persona when 'clocking in'. It is stressful to hold back certain parts of yourself or hide them for fear of not being accepted. There is evidence that this can hurt your career, but it can also hurt companies that don't value inclusion.
5. Speak up if you have a problem.
Like some aspects of our lives, work can be difficult. But nothing will change if you don't stand up and say something. Before assuming the answer to what you want is no, discuss it, especially if you plan to look for work elsewhere. Need more time with your manager? Request. You don't know how you are? Request. Having trouble with a project or another person? Speak.
You can have more better days by being authentic, honest, and curious. When you take an active role in seeking out the opportunities, feedback, and information you need to grow, you'll feel more connected to the people around you and your work, and more invested in the goals you're working towards. .
Related: 15 things you can do to be happier at work