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Top 15 Ways to Use Evernote

Evernote is more than just a powerful note-taking tool. Most users don't realize how versatile the app is. With all the ways you can capture, sort, store, and find various types of notes, the ways you can use Evernote are endless!

And what's more, the more you choose to store in Evernote, the more valuable the tool becomes, essentially becoming your one-stop shop for anything you might want to remember or access on the go.

Want some inspiration on the best way to do this? Here are some ideas.

1. Stay on top of your projects

Stuck in the middle of multiple projects? Evernote can be a powerful ally. Whether you need to organize your research, track budgets and schedules, set reminders (Premium), and collaborate with others, Evernote has project management features to make it easy.

For more information, check out our guide on using Evernote as a project management tool. How to use Evernote as a project management tool. How to use Evernote as a project management tool. Evernote offers more than taking notes. No matter the chaos, you can turn Evernote into a project management tool. Let's see how you can use it to stay on top of your projects. Read more . This will take you through everything from organizing your project notebooks to setting up labeling systems and due dates. All of this will help ensure that each of your projects stays on track.

2. Stay organized with a Bullet Journal

A bullet journal is a simple and customizable organization system that helps you stay on top of your busy schedule without the need for a dedicated app or calendar. With this system, you can quickly see what you have accomplished in the past, what you need to do today, and what you have scheduled for the future. You can easily replicate a bullet journal in Evernote and access it from anywhere.

Top 15 Ways to Use Evernote

If you're frustrated with your current to-do list system and calendar setup, check out our step-by-step guide to getting started with bullet journaling in Evernote.

3. Start your own recipe collection

Instead of saving your favorite recipes on a completely different platform (I'm looking at you, Pinterest), why not use Evernote? This way, more of your notes are available in one and you can access your prescriptions offline (if you select that option).

Top 15 Ways to Use Evernote

When you order your prescriptions, use your own labeling system to make your prescriptions easier to find in the future. As an example, you can use tags to identify which recipes are:breakfast, dinner, vegetarian, healthy, Indian, etc. That way, you can always find the perfect recipe for every occasion.

4. Read the news

There are two main ways you can use Evernote to store and read all the news and articles you want to consume. The first is to use Evernote as an RSS reader Turn Evernote into an RSS reader in a few easy steps Turn Evernote into an RSS reader in a few easy steps Evernote's flexibility allows the service to be used in many ways. Let's see how you can turn Evernote into an RSS reader using a few simple IFTTT recipes. Read more . To do this, create a new notebook, then use this IFTTT applet, which will trigger each time it detects a new RSS item, automatically saving that item to your new notebook.

The second option is to use a standard RSS reader, such as Feedly. Whenever you find an article you want to read, click the Evernote icon within Feedly. This will save the article to your Evernote account ready for you to read later.

5. Remember your favorite places

How many new places have you discovered only to have them completely slide a few months later? The solution is to make sure you save these restaurants, bars, cafes, and attractions to your Evernote account for posterity.

Top 15 Ways to Use Evernote

When you're out and about and find a place you want to remember, open Google Maps and find the posh establishment. Hit the share button, and choose to save to Evernote. You can add some notes (like opening hours, what's on the menu, etc.), select a notebook, add any tags, and hit save. Notes and full address will now be saved to your account for retrieval at any time.

6. Scan and manage receipts and invoices

While you may not want to go 100 percent paperless, choosing to store copies of important utility bills, receipts and documents is a smart move. And it's one of the best ways to use Evernote's storage and search capabilities.

First, you will have access to these from anywhere. Second, if you lose your paper copies, you'll always have a digital copy to fall back on. And third, finding these documents in Evernote is much easier than going through folders and cabinets looking for the paper copy.

Top 15 Ways to Use Evernote

Scan these documents into Evernote with a regular scanner, or use the Evernote Android or iOS app to take images of these documents right from your phone.

7. Stay productive on the go

To help you stay productive on the go or on the go, there are few better tools than Evernote. It's the perfect place to store all your travel plans and reservations. You can work and prepare presentations while you're offline, then sync your work with shared notebooks when you find a connection. You can save articles to read while on a flight.

If you're someone who travels a lot, then learning how to use some of Evernote's hidden features and integrations could help you stay productive on the go. How to use Evernote to stay productive on the road How to use Evernote to stay productive on the road You can travel and still get things done. We'll show you how Evernote can help by using templates, integrating maps, managing business cards, and more. Read more.

8. Content Notes

There are many tools out there that help you remember more of what you read How to remember what you read with simple tools How to remember what you read with simple tools Reading more will not do you any good if you can't retain anything you read. Use these tips when it's hard to remember what you've read. Read more . But the truth is that we will all forget a massive proportion of what we consume. We are human, after all. That's why it's so important to capture the important stuff, so we can find it later.

Sign in to Evernote. One option is for you to write down quotes from articles and reflections on certain content you are reading or viewing. Don't forget to include links to the original content!

Top 15 Ways to Use Evernote

Another option is to use a post reading app like Instapaper. As you read, highlight what's important, then save the highlighted version of the article to Evernote. Use a scalable tagging system The best way to organize Evernote:Use tags The best way to organize Evernote:Use tags Is your Evernote one big mess? We show you a simple tweak that will help you organize your notes like never before. Read More

9. Save the highlights of your Kindle

If you like to highlight sections of books you read on your Kindle, you probably already know that you can find these highlights in your Amazon account.

Use the Evernote Web Clipper to save these highlights to your Evernote account, or simply copy or paste them directly into one of your notebooks. This helps keep all those content notes on one platform, so you can search them all simultaneously, instead of having them spread out across the web.

10. Share a family shopping list

If your partner or other family members also use Evernote, create a shopping list and then share this note (using your email address) with anyone who needs access to it. The note can be added and accessed from anywhere.

Top 15 Ways to Use Evernote

These types of shared notes can also be useful as gift lists, to-do lists, etc.

11. Backup your favorite Instagram photos

Since Instagram is often a place where people post their absolute content. favorite photos, imagine the heartbreak if you ever lost access to your Instagram account. That's why it's a good idea to back up those photos.!

This IFTTT applet allows you to do just that. Once set up, every time you post an image to Instagram, a full-size copy will be automatically saved to a notebook of your choice.

12. Organize your stack of business cards

Built into the Evernote smartphone apps, it's a nifty tool that lets you take pictures of any business card you're handed. These are saved as images within a new note, to which you can add context, such as where you met the person, what you discussed, etc.

Plus, with Evernote's built-in OCR technology, you can search the actual printed text on these business cards, making finding contacts much easier than flipping through a mass of physical business cards.

13. Keep a packing list

To make preparing for a vacation a little easier, consider creating a packing list to refer to when you need it. If you take different types of trips, you may want to create multiple lists, such as one for city breaks and one for beach breaks.

This way, you'll never go back to your hotel again, only to realize you forgot your travel adapter or sunglasses.

14. Maintain a media list

I'm sure you'll agree that too much time is wasted scouring Netflix for the next movie to watch or Goodreads for the next book to read. Instead, make a list of movies you can't wait to see and books you're dying to read and save them to Evernote.

Top 15 Ways to Use Evernote

Now when you're ready to settle for a good movie or a great book, a quality wish list is at your disposal.

15. Decorate your house

When it comes to planning renewals, Evernote becomes an invaluable tool. You could use a note as a mood board to collect things like color schemes and furniture ideas. Another note could contain product descriptions, prices, and links to anything you need to buy to transform your home. This is much more useful than a series of emails, Facebook messages, or a messy Word document.

Top 15 Ways to Use Evernote

Another very clever use of Evernote is to store visual measurements of your home, as you can see above. Just take a few photos with the Evernote app and use the annotation features to add measurements to the image. This makes shopping for furniture, curtains, blinds, and doors much easier.

An infinite number of ways to use Evernote

As you can see, there is an absolute ton You can do it with Evernote. And I haven't even mentioned other uses like fitness tracking, time tracking, to-do lists, keeping meeting minutes, etc. which can be done by quickly setting up a table within a note. 12 Evernote Tables to Keep Your Life Organized 12 Tables to Keep Your Life Organized Tables are an often overlooked feature of Evernote. They can help you stay organized. To get you started, we'll give you a dozen Evernote table ideas and templates. Read more.

In other words, once you start taking advantage of all of Evernote's features Maximize Evernote with 5 Powerful Features Maximize Evernote with 5 Powerful Features With over 100 million users, Evernote is arguably the web's favorite note-taking and saving tool. We're spotlighting 5 underappreciated Evernote features and detailing their value. Read More Become a viable replacement for other tools you've grown accustomed to using, from to-do list apps to Pinterest.

In turn, your digital life will be simplified by keeping so many notes, lists, and ideas in one place, accessible from anywhere, anytime.

How else do you use Evernote?