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5 Ways I Became More Productive Without TV

As I hung the last picture frame in my bedroom, I realized I was finally done and officially moved into my new apartment. The plates were stored in the kitchen cupboards, my clothes were hanging in the closet, all the furniture was neatly placed and there were no more boxes to unpack. So I sat on my couch to relax and enjoy the moment. I put my feet up, and then it hit me:I had no cable or internet. Somewhere in the stressful business of moving, I forgot to make an appointment to have the service installed.
What am I going to do now? I thought. Without cable, I couldn't turn on the TV and veg for the rest of the night. And without the internet, I couldn't even watch my shows on Netflix. So I called a friend to meet at a local bar, knowing that if I stayed home, complete and utter boredom would set in. I had something to do right now, but I knew drinking couldn't be my go-to source for entertainment.
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As my time without cable or the internet — the things I once considered essential to life — continues, I find that I really like not having the digital connection, and I find ways to be more productive with my time. Here are five of them:
1. I read more.
I used to try to read before bed, but I quickly fell asleep after just a few pages. Now, rather than binge-watching episodes or mindlessly flipping through channels on TV, I find myself filling my free time with books, hours at a time. And that means I'll finally be able to make a dent in that long list of books I said I wanted to read.
2. I organize more.
Whether out of boredom or to have more free time, I started to organize and plan ahead. On Sunday, I draw the plans for my week:

I plan my outfits, which makes my mornings go easier because I don't have to stay in my closet, waste time figuring out what to wear, and I get out quicker. Thursday is chinos and a gray sweater. Tomorrow is jeans and a blue sweater.
I also plan my meals. It works in three steps:not only do I save time, but also money and I eat healthier.

3. I educate myself.
I recently downloaded the Duolingo app on my phone. With the app, you can learn over 20 languages ​​at your own pace, all from your phone. You pick a daily goal — five minutes of class a day or more — and try to stick to a daily streak. I revisit my French, one of my favorite classes in high school, and I shoot 20 minutes a day.
4. I'm working out more.
As a runner, I already exercise, but I'm finding ways to be healthier and train more with my new free time. I go for a run in the morning, then play volleyball or take a yoga class in the evening. And as we all know, not only is exercise good for your body, but it also works wonders for your mind. The extra activity keeps my stress levels low and my endorphins high.
5. I'm learning more.
Even though I was enjoying my break from cable, I wanted to watch the local news, so I plugged in an old TV antenna and ended up watching a PBS WWII special world. It's something I wouldn't have watched if I had cable, but I found it quite fascinating. And I hope the things I learned will come in handy during my weekly party.
I still believe in the power of doing nothing, because some days are longer than others. others, and just relax. But I also think television shouldn't be our default when it comes to entertainment. I'm going to install internet soon, because you can't do much from your phone. But after realizing how productive I am without it, I'm going to hold on to the cable for now, at least until baseball season.
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