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5 ways to write daily

Do you love to write, but find it difficult to force yourself to do it daily? Do you dream of a writing career, but don't know where to start? Here are 5 ways to make writing a daily habit.

1. Have your notebook ready

The best ideas often come to you unexpectedly. For this reason, you should always have a notebook with you. If you don't like the old-fashioned way of putting your ideas down (with pen and paper), write it in the notes in your smartphone.

2. Write a certain number of words daily

It is essential that you write a certain number of words every day. Try setting a challenging word count for yourself. For example, if you can easily write 700 words a day, increase the word count to 1,000 and try to stick to it daily.

It's also a good idea to have a specific amount of time that you devote to writing. The best time for many people is in the morning, when your head is clear and not full of information.

However, if you have to get up early for work, it is better to schedule your writing time in the evening. Regardless of the time you choose, sitting down at the same time every day will help you develop a writing habit.

3. Provide a special space

Having a writing routine is another important factor in developing a daily writing habit. It is essential to have triggers that you associate with your writing time. For example, before you start writing, take a shower or listen to the same song or something else that you enjoy and that makes you productive.

Also make sure you have a writing space. This place should have enough light and space to work and be a place where you are not bothered by distractions. Keep all necessary materials and tools to hand so you don't have to interrupt your writing session.

4. Start blogging

Running a blog forces you to be organized. If you know that your readers expect two posts a week, you should make time for writing and publishing those two posts. And, writing blog posts will help you reach your daily limit and write your 1000 words.

5. Stay original

Do not try to imitate others in any way, be it their words, ideas or even their style. Some writers, when they feel a lack of creative ideas, read from other authors to find inspiration for their own efforts. Because of this, you can easily be influenced at the expense of your own writing voice. In addition, reading someone else's materials can lead to unintentional plagiarism. It's a nasty business, which can have negative consequences and affect your writing reputation.