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4 ways to know it's time to try something different

How do you determine when it's time to take a different direction on something that isn't working?

If you are constantly avoid working on a certain project where your passion and patience for the subject has disappeared, it is better to spend your time and talents elsewhere. Delegate if you can and reevaluate the status every 30 days until you have enough data to make an informed decision.

– Carrie Singer, Psy.D., CEO of Quince Orchard Psychotherapy

Be clear on what isn't working. Is it the wrong strategy or just poor execution? Most often it is the latter. So it's not about changing course – it's about understanding what's holding you back from realizing your vision.

– Oren Zaslansky, CEO of Flock Freight

I think the biggest hurdle some of us have to overcome is our belief that there is only one way to solve a problem. Progress and innovation are very rarely linear paths. Once I'm able to realize that changing direction doesn't mean changing my goal, just taking a different strategy or approach to getting there, I find it much easier to change.

–Colleen Lambros, CMO at Parcel Pending

The data doesn't lie. Sometimes it's hard, when you believe in something and have a track record of success, to realize it's time to try something different. If your gut tells you that you should consider going in a different direction, take a hard look at your results and data. What should I tell you? Are you improving? Or, despite efforts, are results stagnating? Your answer can be found here.

—Carisa Miklusak, CEO of tilr

This article originally appeared in the November/December 2019 issue of LadiesBelle I/O magazine . Photo by turgaygundogdu/Shutterstock