Family Best Time >> Work

Ways to focus on your work during this time

The Netherlands works from home. We have been working from home for almost a year now. This took some getting used to for many. It is not always easy to focus on work now that the daily structure has disappeared. There is a higher chance that you will be more distracted at home. The children are at home and demand your attention, your partner also works at home and in the meantime the mountain of laundry has piled up considerably. Sometimes it is difficult to deal with these stimuli in a busy home situation. Some would therefore like to return to the office to work in a structural and quiet environment. But unfortunately, working from home is and will remain the norm. So we'll have to make the most of it. We give you tips on how you can best focus on your work.

Keep separation between private life and work

First of all, it is important to keep private and work separate. Finding the right balance is important to be able to focus on your work in the right way. If you don't do this, there is a chance that overtime will lead to a burnout. Stick to working hours and do not open your laptop quickly at 10 p.m. or at the weekend to answer your emails. Once you start emailing your colleagues in your spare time, they will expect you to do so more often. By keeping a routine we get more structure in working from home. As an employer, it is important to encourage your employees to find the necessary relaxation after working hours. We therefore advise you to switch off your laptop after working hours, to tidy up your workplace and to pay attention to your private life.

Create your own home workplace

Having a permanent home workplace also contributes to the correct separation between private and work. If you are at your home workplace, you are working. If you are not there, your working day is over and you can spend your time on other things. One prefers to work in a quiet attic, while the other prefers to sit in the living room with some music on. Make your home workplace really your own place. Provide a good desk and an ergonomic office chair. Both must be well adjusted to your body to prevent physical complaints. Your laptop and keyboard also need to be set up correctly. Don't forget that good lighting is also important in order to be able to concentrate well on your work. Light affects your productivity. In addition, it ensures that your eyes do not get tired.

Surprise employees

To thank and to continue to stimulate your employees, it is nice to surprise them every now and then. For example, many companies choose to put together a 'work from home package'. This package usually contains products to make working from home more pleasant, such as desk accessories, attractive desk decoration or something tasty. We also often see that companies have gifts printed. A nice example is printing mugs or pens with the name of the homeworker. In this original way you put your employees in the spotlight.