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Work:6 ideas to optimize your travel time

It's a fact:many of us spend more time at work than at home, not to mention the time needed to get to work, whether we go there by car or by public transport. Morning and evening, we can thus spend between a few minutes and several hours to reach our place of work. How about using that time to do something useful or enjoyable? Here are some ideas to adopt immediately.

In public transport

Sorting out your phone

4,500 photos in our smartphone and the memory already almost saturated, does that speak to you? Except that we never find the time to sort out... Well, precisely, we take advantage of a moment when we don't pick up (hello metro!) to stick to it! Ditto if you want to sort through your emails. That's time optimization.

Learn a new language

Devoting even 5 minutes a day to a foreign language allows you to progress, whether by learning new words or maintaining a level if you are already doing well. We download an application like Duolingo or Lingvist (which offer basic and already quite complete free use) and we get down to it seriously, 10-15 minutes a day. Progress is coming fast!


For many of us, journeys to or from work are separate moments between two days:that of work and that at home (with or without children, but always cleaning, tidying up, cooking, etc.). We therefore take the opportunity to disconnect completely and rest a little, just by closing our eyes, headphones on our ears to cut off some noise. It feels good…

By car

Listen to an audiobook

Of course, when driving, it is not possible to do anything else at the same time. This is why we think of audio books! Nothing prevents you from listening while driving, as long as you manage to listen while remaining focused on the road. This is an opportunity to relax while listening to a novel, a short story, a biography... Amazon offers a subscription via Audible (9.99 €/month) which offers a free book per month, and a month of trial (with a free book) if you want to try before starting.

Call loved ones

Far be it from us to recommend making important phone calls when driving, on the other hand, taking advantage of the journey to say hello to loved ones using the hands-free function of our phone can make a stone two shots:to please our loved ones and pass the time. You can also take the opportunity to make calls where you know you may be put on hold for a long time...

Updating information

Rather than listening to music distractedly, we devote part of our journey to listening to the news, just to be aware of what is happening in the world. And if ever it depresses us (we must admit that the news is only rarely very happy), we rather listen to a podcast on a theme that we like (we are a fan of Beauty Toaster), that motivates us or relaxes us.

So who said travel time was wasted time?