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6 tips to work successfully with your partner

It's not uncommon for couples to work together at some point in their careers, especially if they work in the same industry, have a similar profession, or start a business together. This can be a good partnership, but on the other hand, it isn't. Here are 6 tips to work successfully with your partner.

Patience is a virtue
There is a learning curve when you first start working with your partner. You will not only figure out how to work together, but also how to communicate differently. It can be difficult to switch back and forth between how you talk to each other at home and how you talk to each other in the workplace. Exercise patience with your partner and develop your work routine as naturally as possible.

Find a balance
Discuss work-life balance with your partner to determine what is important to each of you. It's easy to get lost in your career, but make sure you still make time in the evening to have dinner together or catch up after a long day. Some couples choose not to talk about work at all when they are together at night, while others prefer to. Find a strategy that works for you and stick with it.

Build each other up
Focus on complimenting personal strengths rather than criticizing them, as you would with colleagues. Don't show favoritism, but also respect the special bond that exists between you and your partner.

Divide &Conquer
Many couples are surprised – and relieved – to find that working together doesn't always mean working in the same department. Often couples have complementary, yet different strengths that make their skills relevant to an aspect of a project that does not coincide with their partner's. Remember that you are still working towards a common goal and that you both still play a very important role in the bigger picture. Trust each other as the experts in the respective fields and move forward stronger together.

Communicate regularly
Communicate regularly with your partner. Learn about their satisfaction in the workplace or what you can do to help each other. Regular communication is the key to success in the workplace and in your relationship.

Set prioritize
If you ever have to make a decision between work and your partner, your true nature will definitely show. People are valuable – and your chosen partner in life is the most valuable of all. Remind yourself how hard you have worked to achieve and maintain this amazing relationship. Once you realize the real impact your relationship has had on your life, it won't even be a question. Your partner wins every time.