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4 tips for working successfully from home with a babysitter

Working from home offers a unique opportunity to spend more time with your little one. However, working from home can be very difficult in practice. Your little one knows you're around, but can't spend time with you. This can give you both mixed feelings and be a huge challenge, I know from experience. This can lead to enormous frustrations, especially if you have not arranged anything.

It sounds like an ideal to many mothers. Working from home gives a lot of independence and freedom. That is delicious. But it can also cause a lot of anxiety. For example, anxiety in your head. I also know that from my own experience. The balance is hard to find and you feel like you're never getting it right. You should actually work more, but your child also demands attention. It often results in working late into the night and 'zero' free time. Nor is it conducive to your own condition, and a burnout can just happen if you don't keep an eye on yourself.

But there is a very good solution!

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Working from home with a babysitter, 4 tips

Focusing on your work, enjoying your child and working well with the nanny at home, how do you do that? 

Name babysitting day after your child

It can be confusing for a child if the mother and nanny are both at home. Children are used to going to the mother first for help and attention. Your child will therefore find it difficult if she is referred to the babysitter, because you are there, right?

Working from home with a nanny requires some special attention. Give the day a special name and explain what it means. Tell her that you're busy on the phone or at the computer, but the babysitter has all the time for her. If your toddler is still struggling with the day, give him or her something to look forward to. Ask the babysitter if she wants to do something fun with her, such as a walk in the park or an extensive craft afternoon.

Visualizing the babysitting day is often useful for small children. Stick stickers in the diary on the babysitting days (even better, let your child stick the stickers). Or print out a new calendar where your child can color in the babysitting days, for example.

It can also be difficult for you to keep work and care for your little one separate when you work from home. Try to create distance. Don't help the babysitter with every change. She may well look for craft supplies or games. By not continuously helping the babysitter, your little one will also better understand who can ask for help. 

Create a workplace for yourself

At such a young age it is difficult to understand that a mother works and does not have all day time for care and love. So it makes it even more difficult if you work in the presence of your child. She can see you, but not get your attention. Therefore, create your own workplace. Preferably a room where you can close the door. This makes it easier to understand that there is a boundary between work and play. And you are not immediately approachable.

Acknowledge your toddler's feelings by making her part of that separate space. Provide the opportunity to hang drawings and place photos of each other. This lets you know that you share your child's feelings and think about her, even though you're working hard. 

Come and go

Saying goodbye is never nice. And it is certainly not pleasant if this happens several times a day. However, working from home means simply brewing your coffee in your kitchen. And that you have lunch at the dining table (better than behind your PC!). Watching a mother come and go can be very stressful for a toddler. So try to say hello to each other as little as possible.

If necessary, ask the babysitter to take a walk outside the door around certain times. This gives you the opportunity to walk freely through the house and also take a coffee break. Or to have a leisurely lunch.  

Advantages of working from home to the fullest

As mentioned before, working from home offers a unique opportunity to spend more time with your children. You could agree with your little one that you are completely there for her at certain times. Put your work aside for a while and have lunch together, for example. Something to both look forward to. Enjoy a nice sandwich in peace and quiet.

In the beginning it may take some getting used to for you and your baby. It can certainly take some time and effort before everything runs smoothly. But the short intense moments that you get in return are unique. This is a great advantage that many working parents cannot experience and makes working from home so special.

Keep in mind that the babysitter should be consulted, try to let go and above all, enjoy the precious time with your family.

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