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Tips that can help prevent loneliness while working from home

Many employees are now forced to work from home and physically isolate themselves from friends and colleagues, which has led to loneliness for many. But according to new research from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), there are ways to avoid feeling so lonely. Here are four tips that can help prevent loneliness while working from home:

1) Participate in self-disclosure

Sharing your feelings and information is a powerful way to nurture relationships at work. The more you share with your colleagues and your supervisors – for example by talking about your concerns about the current situation – the more likely you will feel connected and authentic. But be careful; sharing information that interferes with the way others have usually seen you can backfire. Appropriate, ethical disclosure is key.

2) Create meaning in virtual work

Are you bored working on tasks in front of the computer? By focusing on the needs and feelings of others, you can add meaning to your work relationships and pay less attention to thoughts and emotions that cause loneliness. You can contact your colleagues, offer support or advice and thank those who have kindly and helpfully helped you at work. Ask yourself and your colleagues why they do the work they do. In this way you can create meaning. Realize and appreciate that you are doing important work whether you are at home or in the office.

3) Reminisce about the good old days

Studies have shown that remembering the positive incidents helps reduce loneliness. The next time you feel lonely at home, think of a happy outing with your co-workers or eat something you could eat in the office cafeteria — our brains automatically associate comfort food with meaningful relationships. You can also share these 'old' stories and photos with your colleagues on social media platforms - for the sake of nostalgia.

4) Know what your tasks are

We are easily distracted at home. And if you're unsure about your role on your team, you may feel helpless when you're isolated in remote working conditions. In other words, you need to know what your tasks are and how they contribute to your teamwork. If you currently feel unsure about your duties, duties and responsibilities, ask your supervisor to clarify your role in the current working conditions.