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How to work from home while caring for young children

If you have young children and work from home, you know it's no small feat to meet your work goals for the day. Between snack breaks, naps, and tantrums, you might feel the inevitable exhaustion that comes from trying to do your job and be a parent at the same time. Here are some tips to make working from home not only bearable but also enjoyable:

Communicating working hours

In an ideal world, you are working from home with a partner who is supportive and understands your need for a quiet workspace and fixed work hours. If you're a single parent or your partner's work schedule overlaps with yours, do your best to create a set schedule in which your children have free play time while you work. If you live with a partner, create a schedule that ensures you both get the job done and share childcare responsibilities. This may mean working during naps, in the evening after they go to bed, or earlier in the morning, if possible.

Enjoy mobile services

Working from home, due to advancements in modern technology, is not as disconnected as it once was. You can video conference with your colleagues, chat with or email your boss, use remote computing services like IUVO Tech, and work from a variety of devices in your home due to the fact that you download working documents in the cloud. Are your kids napping in the room you use as a home office? No problem – take your phone or laptop to the couch to read important work documents and send emails. Flexibility is key here when working from home with children.

Know when to stop working

Let's just say it:working while caring for small children can be a frustrating undertaking. You juggle the roles of parent, caretaker, chef, entertainer, and housekeeper while trying to hold down a part-time or full-time job. Sometimes you need a break, and if you are able to take one, you should do it for your mental and physical health.

It's easy to blur the lines between work and personal life when working from home. Setting boundaries and rules will help you and your children know what to expect. Although it will be difficult at first, your efforts will be rewarded when the whole family gets used to the new structure!

Also read: How to find the perfect work from home job