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Top tips for working from home

While many of us now work from home to protect ourselves and others, it's important to stay productive and efficient. Turning your home into an office can be tricky, so we're sharing our best tips for working from home.

Get up and get dressed for the day!

You won't be working with the right mindset in your pajamas. Prepare yourself psychologically for the workday as you normally would if you were going to the office.

Create a workspace

While it's tempting to sit on the couch, you should create a workspace for yourself at a desk or dining table that is separate from the social areas.

Organize your day

Set yourself a schedule to follow to ensure you are as productive and proactive as possible.

Communication is key!

Download Skype and organize regular calls and meetings to stay on track. Stay in touch and let your colleagues hear from you regularly.

Stay active

It's not healthy to sit still all day, so take a break and do some light stretching or take a short walk for some fresh air if it's safe...just keep moving.

Limit distraction

The TV isn't the ideal companion, but we recommend listening to a podcast or the radio in the background. You may also be tempted to clean up or cook, but make sure your work is the main focus.