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Tips for relaxed working in the home office thanks to houseplants

Houseplants are real miracle cures when it comes to furnishing the home office:they reduce stress, purify the air, dampen sound and are a visual enrichment. Not convinced? A study looked at the effects of flowers and plants on the living environment and the domestic work situation. More than half of the respondents indicate that they find their living environment much more pleasant with flowers and plants and that these have a positive effect on their work in the home office. The text below explains the positive properties with which plants enrich the workplace and provides tips for furnishing.

Natural air freshener

Whether in the office or at home, plants improve air quality by filtering pollutants from the air and stabilizing humidity. In this way they counteract a lack of drive, fatigue and headaches, especially in phases of concentration. Natural energy boosters and air purifiers for a productive work environment are Sansevieria, Efeutute and Kentia palm. A nice side effect of the Efeutute:It cleans the air and neutralizes unpleasant odors.

Acoustic all-rounders

Even though the home office is part of everyday life for many these days, not all of us have a separate room. A sensible layout and demarcation of the living space can do wonders. The monstera's large leaves and tall plants such as the dragon tree or Kentia palm help to create a clear visual separation from the work area. These plants also serve as an acoustic barrier because they dampen ambient noise and thus create a relaxed working atmosphere. In a small room with limited space, hanging plants will do the job. The foam flower is suitable for this, for example in bright places without direct sunlight.

Calming properties

Many other independent scientific studies have been done on the positive properties of plants. For example, the Japanese Masahiro Toyoda discovered that plants provide a better indoor climate, especially in the working environment. The sheer presence of plants in a room made study participants feel less stressed. These and other properties such as a good indoor climate and the reduction of background noise make plants ideal companions in the home office. With their help you can work more concentrated and above all more relaxed.

Green, greener, home office

Anyone who wants to use the natural power of plants creates a workplace surrounded by green housemates. Strong green tones combined with wood and terracotta colors give the room structure. Unusual shapes and patterns such as those of the monstera or the trout begonia enrich the daily work and encourage you to think in new dimensions.

Trellis is also popular in the home office. Handy utensils find their place here. The metal frame is also suitable as an inspiration or mood board. That gives creative energy for the whole day. Equipped with extravagant oxygen producers, such as the bromeliad and climbing or hanging plants, the home office quickly becomes a favorite place within your own four walls.