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Tips to create a calming home office

The right work environment at home is crucial for productivity, as well as providing the right mood and helping to ensure a separation between private and work life. It is only natural to feel restless and irritable every day when faced with the same home and work environment, but there are Scandinavian elements and lifestyle trends such as fika, which can provide a more balanced experience for professionals working from work at home. Here are some tips and advice on how to achieve Scandinavian tranquility while working from home.

The right space

Consider whether your current workspace is working for you and look into alternative options if you find it hard to concentrate or keep getting distracted. Instead of a dedicated room, a nook or under the stairs can work well. If space is lacking in the main living areas, a corner of a bedroom can also work well if it is carefully planned. Consider custom built-in furniture, smart storage solutions and small furniture to maximize every inch of space.

An ideal solution could also be a cupboard or 'pull-out' workstation, which does not encroach on the living space and which can be opened and closed if necessary.

Being close to nature has been shown to increase productivity and give a sense of calm, so if possible consider working in the summer house or even the garden shed if you can make them habitable and provided WIFI and electricity can be extended.

Use neutral colors

The Scandinavian design uses neutral colours, which enhance the feeling of tranquility and create a zen-like environment. Choose soothing colors like cream, beige, brown, white, blue, gray and green; sticks to the most natural colors and shades. Don't use colors like red, purple and orange, but if you like bright colors, add them as accents through accessories like your chair cushion or pencil case. Inspirational artwork is also a great way to add a pop of color and personality to a workspace.

Office 'zone'

Consider styling the home office slightly differently from the other rooms as this will help keep it mentally separate from the rest of the house and as such will likely help you focus better. You can create a special 'zone' for your home office by using the Scandinavian design principles of minimalist interiors. Not only does this provide an orderly, calm environment, but less hassle also means you can concentrate better.

Keep the space uncluttered, use a wireless keyboard and mouse to avoid too many wires on the desk, keep items on the surface to a minimum, and tidy up at the end of each workday, potentially putting paperwork and other things away by using stylish boxes or files. If your workspace is attractive to look at, you will feel more compelled to work in it, work on it and probably be much more productive in the process.

Go green

Plants can bring a breath of fresh air into a room and improve air quality. They can also provide added interest and texture – ideal if your workspace is looking uninspired or lackluster. You will be amazed at how quickly plants can improve the overall look and feel of a space. Easy-care varieties include spider plants, cacti, yucca, succulents, ivy, or ferns. In front of your desk, add small potted plants and make sure they get plenty of sunshine and water them regularly to flower.

Fika breaks

Fika is a Swedish tradition and takes place daily in most workplaces. Around 11am, the teams stop working to enjoy a hot drink and sweet treat, about 15-30 minutes before returning to work. No matter where you work, it's crucial to take regular breaks from the screen. If you and a partner are both at work, why not schedule a mid-morning coffee break or allow for non-work catching up with colleagues each week? This gives you the chance to catch up, which is crucial for well-being and good mental health.

Go outside once a day

Everyone should go outside at least once a day. Even if you can spare only 15 minutes, you will soon feel the benefit. Go out in the garden, visit a park or just take a walk around the block. Make the most of the outdoors with a cycling, running or jogging, yoga or Pilates class or aerobic workout.

You can also bring the outdoors into your workspace so that you feel closer to nature. If possible, place your laptop and desk with a view outside; greenery and trees are preferred, but any view is better than a blank wall. Open windows for fresh air and surround yourself with natural materials (wood, stone, rattan and cane) for a direct connection to the natural world.