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Why a VPN is indispensable for a business woman

VPNs, security, online security… Aren't these all very complicated things for nerds at IT companies? Maybe in the past, but nowadays everyone can use a VPN and protect themselves better online. And since we have a lot of tech savvy women in the Netherlands, setting up a VPN is really a piece of cake for most ladies. And even if you're not Vivienne Bendermacher, you can set up a VPN.

More privacy, more security and more freedom

You can see a Virtual Private Network (VPN) as a kind of tunnel. When you're on the internet, you send data. That data is often open and exposed for everyone to see. Not really useful, if you work with personal data, for example. That is why it is better to send data through a tunnel that applies extra security. The data is encrypted.

Is it completely impossible to eavesdrop on you? Yes and no. On the one hand, malicious parties can still intercept your data, but on the other hand, they can't do anything with that data, because it is encrypted. It's unreadable code. With a VPN you have more privacy, more security and more freedom.

You have to protect your customers

VPNs are no longer meant for paranoia people and for nerds. Privacy is now important to everyone. Especially because the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) now applies in the Netherlands. It states that entrepreneurs must board up their internet communication to prevent personal data of customers and employees from being exposed.

If you don't take enough action to protect your data, you could be liable. And that can run into the thousands of euros. Waste of money, right? Purchasing a VPN is easy, costs little and directly contributes to the safety of yourself, your employees and your customers.

VPNs are also there for social media experts and influencers

Maybe you are very active on social media or you are even an influencer. Then your security is extra important. Social media accounts are very valuable and are packed with information. Your agreements with customers are in it, you share your personal data with your account and it is simply not nice if a malicious person takes over your accounts. You shouldn't have to think about a hacker taking over your Instagram and posting annoying pictures on your account, right? That can damage your business. That is why you also use a VPN for social networks. Then you add an extra layer of security to your work.

Free or paid?

There are many free VPNs available on the internet. That sounds attractive, but it is not as safe as taking out a paid subscription. A free VPN can still keep track of what you do on the internet and sell data to third parties. Moreover, they can or must pass on information to governments.

We therefore recommend a paid account. When buying a VPN, take a good look at which country the provider is located in. Providers from the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom must keep track of everything. So it's better to go for a provider that is located in a country without a legal retention obligation.

Another advantage of a paid VPN is that you can often protect multiple devices. So you can also protect your employees and multiple computers and devices in your network. This is possible from 2 euros per month. A cappuccino is more expensive!