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The recipe for the perfect lunch break

Many people continue to work while eating during the lunch break. But breaks are especially important now when working from home, where range of motion is even more limited. With the recipe for the perfect lunch break, it is very easy to maintain performance and above all to stay healthy in the long term. It consists of only three components:a healthy meal, sufficient exercise – also in the fresh air – and the right amount of rest and relaxation. This motto should also apply in the home office:because now you can finally try the healthy recipes, insert short strength training sessions and do relaxation exercises without looking at your colleagues. It is not only easy to implement, but also promotes concentration and well-being.

1:Diet:healthy, tasty and balanced

With a light lunch based on valuable energy sources, the reserves for the rest of the day can be replenished. Easy to prepare, easy to take with you and also healthy, the classic bread and butter becomes a culinary highlight during lunch breaks with a few tricks. The tip:an airy sandwich spelled with turkey breast or cheese. Spelled is healthy as a sandwich for lunch:spelled contains significantly more minerals, high-quality proteins and more vitamins than wheat. It also scores with its high content of unsaturated fatty acids. Ideal for anyone who wants to save a little fat and calories, but still don't want to forego a great taste. Topped with turkey breast or cheese and garnished with lettuce, cucumber, tomato and chives, the sandwich is guaranteed to fill you up while being healthy and fresh too.

2:Strength training – short and intensive before the lunch break

For many, constant sitting is part of their daily work. Exercise during the lunch break is therefore all the more important. With just ten minutes of exercise, the metabolism is well stimulated and the body receives new energy. The simple exercises counteract neck tension and back pain and can somewhat compensate for the daily stress. The workout begins with a warm-up:the cervical spine is mobilized by circling the shoulders. The next step is to activate the core muscles in a squatting position with the upper body slightly bent forward:both arms are extended towards the floor, the core is tense. An arm goes up, the gaze follows the hand. Twist as much as you can, hold this position for a moment, then return to the starting position (five reps per side).

The second exercise:Stand in a squat position and stretch the arms at the sides of the ears toward the ceiling. Pull your hands toward your shoulders, moving your shoulder blades toward your spine. Hold the position for a moment and then return to a standing position. The cool-down starts with stretching the side neck muscles. You stretch your arms to the ceiling and alternately push your hands up. Then lower your arms with your legs straight and try to touch the floor with your fingertips. Let your arms and torso swing – right, left, forward, backward.

3:Switching off with deep muscle relaxation

Relaxation and breathing exercises with progressive muscle relaxation techniques relax the deep muscles. The exercises promote concentration, creativity and productivity. The tip:Try progressive muscle relaxation exercises during your lunch break. Decisive here is the alternation between tension and relaxation of individual muscles in a fixed sequence. The exercises lead to deep relaxation, calm the breathing, pulse and blood pressure. A technique that can be particularly useful in stressful everyday work.