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Instead of the coffee break, opt for the micro-nap!

Instead of the coffee break, opt for the micro-nap!

Taking a nap at the office? What idea (not sure your boss likes it, by the way)? And then, what is a micro-nap? If this word vaguely rings a bell or you want to come up with some arguments to make to your boss, here's an article on how this short sleep can help you stay efficient and productive throughout your work day.

What exactly is a micro-nap?

Your co-worker keeps telling you about the benefits of a micro-nap. Why don't you do it too? What does it really correspond to? What is called a micro-nap is actually a very short nap. It doesn't last more than ten minutes. The micro-nap corresponds to the first stage of sleep, slow-wave sleep. Thus, the brain remains alert to its environment, but the body relaxes and eliminates tension. Heart rate and breathing decrease.

These short naps allow our body to refuel and boost your performance at work for the rest of the day.

What is the ideal length of a nap?

After a 20 minute nap, you enter a new stage of sleep, deep sleep. The alarm clock is therefore a little more difficult to manage. Below 5 min, we talk more about relaxation, but the benefits are almost insignificant. To be really effective, a nap should last between 10 and 20 minutes.

How can a micro-nap do you any good?

Is micro-napping as effective as claimed? A long nap can sometimes leave you feeling out of sorts when you wake up, as you struggle to emerge and come back to reality. In addition, after a nap of several hours, you may have some difficulty falling asleep at night.

Here are some of the benefits of taking a micro-nap:

  • Better concentration :after a micro-nap, your concentration will be optimal. This short-term rest allows you to recharge the batteries and limit work accidents. Your vigilance at the wheel will be even better.
  • More memory performance :sleep allows our memory to record the information acquired during a day. The micro-nap is then ideal for your memory.
  • Evening sleepiness is not affected :A 15-minute nap is very beneficial for your body and to continue your working day. Don't worry, these micro-naps have no impact on your evening sleep.
  • Reduced stress: a short break in the middle of the day allows you to release the tensions of the body and to apprehend the end of the day without stress.

How to successfully take a micro-nap?

Now that you know that a short nap has nothing but benefits for your body and can boost your skills at work, the question is how to implement it.

Be aware that it will take some practice to fall asleep in seconds. That said, you can already ensure that you have all the conditions conducive to falling asleep:

  • Avoid tea and coffee.
  • Settle in a calm and quiet place.
  • Notify your office colleagues.
  • Mute your phone.
  • Lie down or find the right position on a comfortable chair.
  • Loosen your belt, tie or other uncomfortable item.
  • Don't forget to set an alert to wake you up.

Now you are ready to start your first micro-nap. Finally, it's within everyone's reach... All you have to do is let go for a few moments and take just 15 minutes to recharge your batteries in the middle of the day to be even more efficient at work. Why not?