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A balanced breakfast to last all day

A balanced breakfast to last all day

It's not yet 11 a.m. and your day is already busy. Only then, you feel a slack or a little hollow. Yes, you shouldn't have settled for a cup of coffee for breakfast. Lack of time, lack of appetite in the morning, or just no idea... Stop looking for excuses! Find out why it is essential to have a balanced breakfast.

The benefits of a balanced breakfast

In France, 4 out of 5 people eat breakfast in the morning. Too often overlooked, breakfast is the first meal of your day, and without a doubt the most important. Indeed, breakfast breaks a fast of several hours. Eating a balanced breakfast allows you to fill up on energy before tackling a new day and new goals, and to be calm until 12 noon. You might have enough strength for a little workout at lunchtime.

Not hungry when you wake up? No problem ! Take a shower, do a little sports session, walk the dog, the appetite will eventually arrive. Your breakfast will help you to have all the energy (physical and mental) necessary to carry out all your professional tasks until lunchtime. The absence of breakfast will tire your body more quickly and you will not have the same capacity to work:

  • Lack of focus
  • Tired
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Irritability

Does skipping breakfast make you fat?

It may sound strange, but yes, skipping breakfast can lead to weight gain. Why ? Because your body will need energy and sugar. This is how the nibbling begins. And when you have nothing planned for healthy snacking, it is towards the vending machine and the very sweet or very fatty snacks that are generally found there. Bad idea…

What is a balanced breakfast?

It's decided, you won't miss any more breakfast. This is very good news. But do you know what a balanced breakfast consists of? Here are our tips for eating a breakfast that gives you everything your body needs to be efficient throughout the morning:

  • A hot or cold drink to rehydrate your body:hot tea or iced tea, water, coffee, fruit juice (preferably cold).
  • A dairy product:milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese.
  • A fruit to fill up with vitamin C:in salads, compotes, juices, etc.
  • A cereal product:bread, rusks, muesli, etc.

Running out of ideas? Here are 3 examples of balanced breakfasts:

  • Breakfast 1 :a tea + a white cheese with muesli + a slice of butter and jam + a slice of white ham + an orange juice.
  • Breakfast 2 :coffee + almond milk + honey toast + fried egg + orange/apple/carrot fruit juice.
  • Breakfast 3 :a chocolate hazelnut milk with muesli + a handful of dried fruits + cheese (brie, emmental) + a seasonal fruit salad.

What should you avoid for breakfast?

To have a balanced breakfast, it is better to avoid foods that are too sweet or too fatty:         

- Chocolate cereals are very fatty. Consume it once a week, no more.

- "Breakfast Special" cookies are usually very sweet. Prefer bread slices.

– Energy bars are also too sweet for breakfast. That said, you can make some yourself to control the dosage.

– Fruit nectars are loaded with sugars. Prefer a pressed fruit juice.

Breakfast is essential to ensure a productive working morning. Vary the pleasures so as not to get bored, but above all, do not miss this meal to be in great shape. This little break allows you to start the day on the right foot. So what are you having lunch tomorrow morning?