Family Best Time >> Work

Did you know ? :Exercising is not enough to compensate for sitting all day

Thus, a large majority of jobs are now done in front of a computer, sitting all day. And we know that this sedentary lifestyle causes many problems, including back pain, but also cardiovascular problems. But is this valid for athletes? After all, working out 3 times a week and working out should be enough to make up for sitting all day, right? Well, the answer is formal:no.

Decrease sitting time

In fact, it seems that the only cure for spending your day sitting is to…spend less time sitting. For this, it is recommended to take very regular breaks by getting up from your workstation every 30 minutes ideally, every hour at least. A study, cited by Metro UK , explains that the most important thing is to reduce the time we spend sitting during the day. In concrete terms, this means moving more and creating opportunities to move (which is not easy when our job is to type on the computer all day). We can thus walk more in the morning, stopping at a bus, tram or metro station before ours, and do the opposite in the evening. You can also force yourself to drink more, and for that, bring a cup to the office, which you will refill every hour (going to the toilet is also a good reason to get up!). Instead of sending emails to our colleagues, we go out and chat with them:not only do we move, but along the way, we strengthen the bonds of the team! And why not work standing up?

As you will have understood, all the reasons are good to get up and walk, if only for a minute. Come on, hop, stand up!