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Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

The world of to-do list and task management apps is a competitive space. You have several great options to choose from for your To-Do List vs Todoist vs Wunderlist. App To-Do vs Todoist vs Wunderlist Some to-do list apps are head and shoulders above the rest. But how do they compare and which one is best for you? We'll help you find out. Read More

Over the past few years, one name that kept popping up when talking about the best in class was Wunderlist. Between Android and iOS Versions Wunderlist - The Best To-Do List App on iPhone [iOS] Wunderlist - The Best To-Do List App on iPhone [iOS] Wunderlist is one of the easiest ways to keep track of what you need to do. It has a sleek user interface that just makes sense. Anyone can pick it up and find out how... Read More

Sadly, Wunderlist's reign is about to come to an end. In this article, I'll look at what caused the app to go missing, what its replacement will be, and how you can easily migrate it out of service.

The end of Wunderlist

Wunderlist only launched in 2011, but quickly became one of the biggest names in the industry. Features such as shared to-do lists, comments, subtasks, task assignees, and the display of hashtags helped drive stardom.

Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

Such was its success that in June 2015, Microsoft bought the app for a reported $150 million. Users were not impressed. Microsoft, like Google, has a long history of buying apps only to close them soon after.

Sure enough, in April 2017 Microsoft dropped the hammer. In a blog post, the company announced that it would be removing Wunderlist and integrating its features into a new app called To Do. . Microsoft commenting on their plans:

Predictably, Wunderlist's loyal fans aren't impressed. But do they have reason to worry? What features have already made the leap to the new app? What new features does it offer? And perhaps most importantly, How can you migrate your data from Wunderlist? Damn Microsoft! Here's how to export your Wunderlist to Todoist, Trello, or other task managers Damn, Microsoft! Here's how to export your Wunderlist to Todoist, Trello, or other task managers Microsoft's acquisition of Wunderlist begs a big question. Will you stay with her or will you change? If you choose the latter, follow this easy guide. Read More

What is to do??

The release of To-Do shouldn't come as a surprise. Someone leaked details of the concept - then dubbed "Project Cheshire" - in November 2016. At the time, critics attacked it for its apparent "bare bones" approach to list management. Fortunately, it appears that Microsoft has added more functionality in the intervening months.

The new Microsoft To-Do app is officially in preview. The full launch will happen in the next few weeks. At the time of this writing, there is already an Android, iOS, Windows Store, and web-based version of the app.

Download - Android | iOS | Windows application

Here's a quick look at the two newest To-Do features.

1. Smart Suggestions

The centerpiece of To-Do is its signature "My Day." It allows you to add tasks from your general task list directly to your daily planner.

To use the feature, click Light Bulb Icon in the upper right corner of the My Day window.

Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

The app will take you to a new screen that lists all of your incomplete tasks. To add a task to the list for the day, simply click + icon.

Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

The suggestion list is “intelligent,” meaning it uses an algorithm to analyze importance, due dates, upcoming tasks, and other data to figure out what to do on a given day.

2. Microsoft Office Integration

Microsoft claims that Task is "built into Office 365". In practice, it means that you can expect the app to start showing up in more and more Microsoft apps and services. 10 Free Microsoft Apps That Don't Suck. 10 Free Microsoft Apps That Won't Suck Anymore in the Coming Months. You can also expect some of Office 365's "under the hood" features to be present, including data encryption and advanced security.

At the moment, the only Microsoft service it works with is Outlook Tasks. Posts in the two services are automatically synced with each other, meaning you'll always have your lists at hand.

Microsoft will presumably start rolling all of its old and disparate task apps into the new To-Do app, which means we may not see this integration for too long.

What's missing?

While the two features listed above certainly have value, some of Wunderlist's key features have yet to make the transition.

1. Collaboration

Currently, there is no way to work on lists with other users. This significantly hampers its usefulness as a party or event planning tool and makes it nearly useless for businesses. Microsoft says the feature is imminent.

Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

2. Third party applications

If you've integrated third-party apps like Zapier or Slack with Wunderlist, you're in for a shock. As mentioned, at the time of release, To-Do's only integration is with Outlook Tasks 3 Productivity Quick Tips Every Microsoft Outlook User Should Start Using 3 Productivity Quick Tips Every Microsoft Outlook User Should Start Using Yes Outlook is the email client of choice Here are some simple yet effective tips that can help boost your productivity by a notch or two. Read more . Once again, Microsoft has promised that there will be more integrations, though whether that extends to non-Microsoft products remains to be seen.

3. Attachments

Do you want to attach photos or documents to your tasks? Were you a Wunderlist Pro subscriber and used to sync pictures from your Dropbox account directly into tasks and notes? You can't do those things anymore:To-Do limits you to simple notes and checkboxes.

Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

4. Subtasks

Subtasks and folders are not supported. The import tool, which I'll look at in a second, explicitly warns you of the bypass if you import tasks from Wunderlist that use the feature.

All of the tasks could eventually make it to the to-do, but Microsoft hasn't released a timeline for any of them. You may be waiting a long time.

How to migrate from Wunderlist to To-Do

If you want to move your data from Wunderlist to To-Do in the hope that Microsoft will finally manage to add all the best features of Wunderlist, there is an import tool available. The tool also works with Todoist.

To use the tool, go to the website and click Start importing .

Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

The app will ask for your Microsoft account credentials and ask for a bunch of authorizations.

Next, choose Wunderlist from the list of apps. Once again, you will need to accept access privileges to the tool.

Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

In the new window, choose which notes and lists you want to transfer. Click Select All move all.

Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

Lastly, you need to decide how To-Do deals with any subtasks you have. When you're ready, click Start importing .

Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

The import process may take several minutes, depending on how many notes you have.

Microsoft To-Do vs. Wunderlist all you need to know

Are you going to use to do?

I introduced you to To To Do and gave you a rundown of what you can and can't expect from Microsoft's new app.

I would love to know your thoughts on it. Are you a long-term Wunderlist user who is worried about its closure? Will you be moving to To-Do or looking for a different alternative? Or do you have faith in Microsoft to make To-Do a productivity powerhouse?

In the company's defense, they've been getting a lot of things right lately and they know how popular Wunderlist is. Surely it would be madness to kill his most beloved traits..

You can leave all your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below..