Family Best Time >> Work

Weirdest thing I've done at work

Grave gilder

During my studies, I worked in a cemetery and I had to repaint and redo the gilding of the names on the stelae. One day, I stayed four hours in the middle of a dodger... The horror, the next day, Biafine for a week!

Pauline, 30 years old, designer

PQ Controller

Unusual and LOL:tour more than a hundred toilets! I had organized a three-day seminar, bringing together one hundred and fifty directors in Richelieu in Touraine. We had chosen a large “ecological residence”. Before their arrival, I had to check that there was indeed PQ in each cottage . We can say that it was a box that had an eye for detail!

Myriam, 27, project manager

Madame Sumo

Once a year, my box organizes a festive day to reward the best sellers. Two years ago, I was the best, tied with another guy. To decide between us, as a challenge, we had to do… a sumo fight! Everyone put on an inflatable costume and we faced each other on a carpet in front of the colleagues and the boss. And I won!

Agnès, 38 years old, salesperson

SM Reporter

I was working in London for a website that had sent me on a photo shoot for a special anniversary:​​the 20th anniversary of a famous swingers club. So I found myself in the middle of a giant orgy. It was the first time I saw people making love from all sides, and there were plenty of porn actresses. Frankly, yuck, not exciting at all!

Dora, 28, journalist

Hostess of stars in rehab

The unlikely thing:chatting with celebrities in a rehab center! At 24, I worked every weekend at the reception of a high-end and very expensive clinic in Île-de-France. It was frequented by actors, singers, "son of" or personalities from all walks of life. I was one of the few among the staff not to be a doctor, and I quickly became the friendly reception girl, with whom we came to chat…

Ondine, 30, community manager

Pipe seller

To pay for my studies, I worked for three years in the "pipes" section of a department store, which earned me three years of rotten valves from my friends.

Sophie, 41 years old, Commercial Director

Catacomb visitor

The class:I spent several sleepless nights in the catacombs of Paris, withwith THE graffiti artist of the catacombs , admired by all Parisian underground enthusiasts. It was as part of a photo book I was producing on street art. It was exciting and a bit scary. Because, to get there, you went through tiny catholes where you had to sneak in on your stomach, or through wells under manhole covers 30 m deep... Another world!

Caroline, 33, editor

Miss SPA

I live in Normandy and I take care every week of an old lady who has two cats, including a female. When this one gave birth, the lady most naturally asked me to kill the kittens! Rescue mission, I had to promise him that I would adopt the four once weaned! Which I gave afterwards.

Marie, 36, home help

Whiskey demonstrator

I sometimes do qualitative interviews at home with consumers. One day, for a brand of whiskey, I had to chain appointments with six kilos of bottles in a backpack. Except that for one of the consumers I was given a wrong address. He offered to pick me up on a scooter. As I was running late and another meeting later, he took the fact that I was in a hurry literally, and we crossed the city at 100 km/h... Seated behind a madman in the flying with bottles gling gling behind my back, I'll remember that!

Agathe, 32 years old, head of the qualitative studies group

Client Lifeguard

I had to "fight" with the dress that a client had tried on and couldn't take off. The zipper on the side was stuck, so she had to raise her arms and I pulled the dress up over her head to try and slide it down. She was in a preposterous position and in panties under her dress… We fought for long minutes, but it was impossible, we had to cut her up!

Virginia, 37, sales assistant

Cat room designer

It was the request of a couple who wanted to adopt several. So I invented a “paradise for cats” room! I immersed myself in the feline universe. I created spiral columns, fixed shelves on the walls at different heights so that they could jump from one to another, installed small hammocks… Real pachas!

Mylène, 34 years old, interior designer

Snake Cuddler

I was working with a photographer who was doing a “python” series. On the day of the shoot, there were two of them in the studio. The dummy was a tough nut to crack… The owner of the snakes was there, but to reassure her, I had to be clever, like:“Look, easy, I take them on myself too. In fact, they horrified me!

Ines, 25, assistant photographer

Gender cake pastry chef

One day I received an order that was original to say the least. For an evening, customers wanted lots of little designer cakes in the shape of female and male sexes… That moment when you add the little ball of pink sugar to your cakes as a clitoris… Memorable!

Emma, ​​33, pastry chef

Dental assistant for my grandmother

Strange to say:I spent three hours in my grandmother's mouth! I work at a great dentist, so I sent my family there. In particular my grandmother, from whom it was necessary to extract badly treated infected teeth. In these cases, I am the one who “aspirates” the saliva and blood while the dentist is working . I'm used to it though, but when it's in the mouth of a loved one, it's really strange...

Clementine, 24 years old, dental assistant

Leader of sled dogs on asphalt

I spent three days outside in the heart of La Défense in Paris, on a team with real sled dogs and fake snow. I led an operation carried out by an airline from the North. Since then, I dream of spending three days with these dogs, but in Finland!

Mathilde, 24 years old, facilitator