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5 tips for running a successful business

When it comes to success, I have always believed in the saying:the span of our life is limited, but its width depends on us. This philosophy simply means that our goal is to achieve great things and expand the scope of our lives in the short amount of time we have.
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The same can be said of any business; every business has control over their level of success, but reaching a higher level of success means losing our fear of failure. No matter the amount of money or the success of a business, this fear is a constant obstacle to expanding the scale of those achievements.
Here are five tips to help you let go of your fear, increase your chances of succeeding and running a successful business.
1. Make a choice, any choice.
People are constantly changing and therefore the world is constantly changing. Running a business in which a lot of time is spent making decisions and measuring consequences is a waste of resources. It does nothing but increases anxiety and fear of failure. Even with all of your planning, the winds will change and you will begin to worry again.
Instead, understand that failure is an opportunity, a chance to overcome challenges. Companies that meet problems head on quickly are better equipped to minimize future errors. Dormancy is the worst possible outcome of any challenge. The only bad decision you can make is not to make any.
2. Become the industry, don't just exist.

I call this the “Green Fluorescent Umbrella” philosophy. Consider that it can be difficult to be the best umbrella maker in the world. But being the best fluorescent green umbrella maker is probably much easier, even if it means having to create your own roadmap to success.
It's very easy to fall into the temptation to commoditize a company, integrate it into the existing spectrum in order to chase temporary economic success. But we live in a time of paradigm shifts, so it would be a huge mistake to take advantage of an existing market rather than trying to create a new one. Investing in macroeconomic goals is the most important and important commitment a company can make. Don't be afraid to create your own path.
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3. Never hesitate to pivot.
Time has proven that processes can help define businesses and give them structure. At the same time, it forces them to work purposefully and systematically. In my opinion, the best process is not to have a defined process; instead, stay flexible at all times.
Rather than just focusing on ways to optimize, test, and accelerate results, companies should inspire employees to be open to redesign and encourage them to let go of the fear of change, becoming more flexible and unpredictable.
4. Be more than profit.
As Carl Sagan puts it in his book Pale Blue Dot:A Vision of the Human Future in Space “It all boils down to a solitary spot in the great enveloping cosmic darkness. That may sound terrible, but it's just a call to expand your reach.
Business goals should reflect something deeper and more perpetual than profit and loss. They must define a humanistic and societal role where the objectives transcend the needs of employees and the company as a whole. It binds the company in a common cause and creates a unified culture.
Whether it's an environmental cause or something more personal, if a company commits to goals that cannot be tackled alone, the only way to transcend is to work together. This redefines the way employees interact with the company and each other while making future problems seem manageable. A strong, unified and connected team striving to be better individual people is vital for any business.
5. Don't fear the void.
The feeling of being on the edge but never really falling is the best way to describe the fearless feeling of uncertainty in business. It's a sentiment all businesses should embrace.
Being aware of emptiness and possible failure forces us to keep moving forward. It is the driving force that convinces every business to take the next step in order to continue to scale and grow. Each step provides the business with the necessary confidence and comfort from uncertainty, paving the way for a more prosperous future.
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